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Plibbis and BReadyMans

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About this mod

A gore mod that includes blood particles and allows blood decals to appear on the floor and other surfaces. Adds four blood particle effects for blunt damage, pierce and slash damage, and dismemberment. Adds custom blood decals that appear when the particles collide with a surface.

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What this mod includes:
-Stab/projectile particles - Blood spray particles that appear when projectile damage (i.e. arrows), and pierce damage are dealt.

-Slash particles - Blood gush particles that appear when slash damage is dealt (this also includes damage from axes).

-Dismemberment and throat slice particles - Extreme blood fountain particles that appear when an enemy is dismembered, or their throat is slashed.

-Blunt particles - Blood mist particles that appear when blunt damage is dealt.

-Blood decals - Decals that appear on the ground on particle collision.

-Configuration menu - Settings menu that allows you to change particle and decal settings using presets or custom configurations.

Config presets:
-Optimized - Max decals set to 15, lower particle volume and flow rate, recommended for Quest and Quest 2 users.
-Standard - Max decals set to 100, normal particle volume and flow rate, recommended for quest 3 and PCVR users.
-BloodBath - Max decals set to 1000, high particle volume and flow rate, may cause lag.

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