- Refine results Found 7 results. 143 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
This mod modifies Miriam's double jump visual effect for "Stained Glass" Wings. Changes SFX from double jump to a "wings flapping" sound effect. Updated to v1.6 of the game.
- 781KB
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This mod modifies Miriam's double jump visual effect for "Stained Glass" Wings. Changes SFX from double jump to a "wings flapping" sound effect. Updated to v1.6 of the game.
This mod modifies Miriam's double jump visual effect for "Bat Wings"! Changes SFX from double jump to a "wing flapping" sound. Updated to v1.6.
- 1.1MB
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This mod modifies Miriam's double jump visual effect for "Bat Wings"! Changes SFX from double jump to a "wing flapping" sound. Updated to v1.6.
Detective Eye - BloodSteal - MoneyisPower Alternatives for v1.6
This mod replaces the VFX of the original versions of the "Detective Eye", "Blood Steal" and "Money is Power" with less flashy versions. Updated to v1.6.
- 925KB
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Detective Eye - BloodSteal - MoneyisPower Alternatives for v1.6
This mod replaces the VFX of the original versions of the "Detective Eye", "Blood Steal" and "Money is Power" with less flashy versions. Updated to v1.6.
Replace the default cheats with REAL cheats
Words of Wisdom Invisible - Gold Coins Attack - Zangetsu's Elemental Kunai for v1.6
This mod makes the VFX of the "Words of Wisdom" shard invisible and modifies the VFX of the "Fire Cannon" and "True Arrow" shards for Zangetsu's Elemental Kunai attacks. Updated to version 1.6 .
- 168KB
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Words of Wisdom Invisible - Gold Coins Attack - Zangetsu's Elemental Kunai for v1.6
This mod makes the VFX of the "Words of Wisdom" shard invisible and modifies the VFX of the "Fire Cannon" and "True Arrow" shards for Zangetsu's Elemental Kunai attacks. Updated to version 1.6 .
New Colors for Zangetsu for v1.6
This mod offers new colors(19 color options) for the Zangetsu's Jacket and improves the texture of Zangetsu's face and his "Zangetsuto" katana. It also offers 7 color options for Zangetsu's "Ghost Trail". Updated to v1.6.
- 700KB
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New Colors for Zangetsu for v1.6
This mod offers new colors(19 color options) for the Zangetsu's Jacket and improves the texture of Zangetsu's face and his "Zangetsuto" katana. It also offers 7 color options for Zangetsu's "Ghost Trail". Updated to v1.6.
The mod increases the difficulty level of "Hard" mode, so that the game becomes difficult as in "Nightmare" mode, but a little more difficult. At the same time remains with the possibility of levelling the hero. THE MOD IS ONLY DESIGNED TO PLAY ON THE HARD LEVEL, PREFERABLY WITH A CLEAN NEW GAME.
- 26KB
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The mod increases the difficulty level of "Hard" mode, so that the game becomes difficult as in "Nightmare" mode, but a little more difficult. At the same time remains with the possibility of levelling the hero. THE MOD IS ONLY DESIGNED TO PLAY ON THE HARD LEVEL, PREFERABLY WITH A CLEAN NEW GAME.