Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 73 : SkyFalls, Splash of Rain and Touring Carriages

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  1. preeum
    • premium
    • 374 kudos
    This was a great episode. My friends and I were just discussing which lighting mods were the best in terms of immersion vs visibility. I'm so glad to have seen this vid. Now I no longer have to justify why ELFX is my lighting mod of choice.
  2. kleinstaff
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    I was doing a side by side comparison of two popular interior lighting mods to see how they compared to each other and how they might change the way you would play and thought I would share my findings with you. I also looked at a new and exciting interior mod that aims to make Skyrim a little more immersive.

    Download Link:
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul
    Enhanced Lights and FX
    Immersive Interiors
    Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio]

    i only saw a hidden advertisment for gophers own great mod  predator vision
    only joking  of course
    i will keep my CoT  just a question of  personal choice
  3. TheSovietPenguin
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Shame that you did this SMS right before realistic water two came out. It would have fit well in this episode. Still great as always gopher!
  4. Gopher
    • premium
    • 8,314 kudos

    I was doing a side by side comparison of two popular interior lighting mods to see how they compared to each other and how they might change the way you would play and thought I would share my findings with you. I also looked at a new and exciting interior mod that aims to make Skyrim a little more immersive.

    Download Link:
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul
    Enhanced Lights and FX
    Immersive Interiors
    Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio]
  5. taerie
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Thanks for this.I am a big fan of immersion as well and the waterfall mod is, of course absolutely essential. Hopefully before I get to Falskar the mod author will have patched that.
    I am going to download splash of rain immediately, mostly for the sound indoors. That was really missing in my game.
    Touring Carriages looks AMAZING! Even the accident is kind of realistic. Horses can get impaled by carriages.. although they look more unhappy when it happens.:-) Only one thing that is glaringly missing that would so badly break my immersion that I am going to wait on it.Where is my follower?I can't imagine not paying for his ticket too!
    (Reminds me of a scene I saw in a movie once. I think it was in one of the Three Musketeers movies when someone is paying for his fare on a boat or something and the ferryman says " This is only enough for one person." and the customer says. " I AM only one person. This is a servant." )
  6. tonycubed2
    • premium
    • 1,231 kudos
    Thank you Gopher, excellent reviews as normal.

    May I ask you a question? Could you please consider testing my mod, to see if you would deem it worthy it of a review? It was developed over a year and a half and thus out of the hot file parameters.Will never be in hot files. It is The Way of the Dovahkiin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters aka Sands of Time, at

    The mod is now mature and stable, with hundreds of hours invested in it.
  7. Hoamaii
    • premium
    • 543 kudos
    Hi Gopher, I enjoy your videos very much and you've actually made me discover a few mods I had not noticed. I guess you're trying to cover rather popular mods, but as far as immersion is concerned there's another great mod by Xgf which allows the player to own and use his personal carriage to travel anywhere with followers, can store you camping equipment and other stuff when you're travelling and lets you set camp virtually anywhere you want in game.

    It is called "The Book of Dovahkiin Nomad equipment" ( and it is very well balanced, crafting your equipment requires quite a lot of crafting material and the equipemnt is so heavy (as it would be in real life) that it requires your cart to transport it - I've been using it in the same playthrough for many months now without any glitch at all even though I run quite a lot of scripted mods in that game. I use Playable Instruments, Fishing in Skyrim, AFT, Dovahkiin Relaxes too, Followers Can Relax, PlayerHeadtracking (stable version 2.6), Pilotable rowboat, Real-time Dragon Fast Travel (initial relase version) along with many others that made my game incredibly more immersive, and other than the occasional papyrus logs errors, they run beautifully together. "The Book of Dovahkiin" is one these mods that I think really deserve more attention for immersion-style players.

    Anyway, thanks a lot again for your wonderful work! Cheers
  8. Daemonui
    • member
    • 57 kudos
    I tried sending you a message, Gopher. But you can't receive any more messages, apparently.
    1. Gopher
      • premium
      • 8,314 kudos
      Message box fills up faster than I can clear them I am afraid.
  9. lautaross13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for the series! I got 3 new MUST have mods. I'll try them all today Thanks bud!
  10. Praevanid
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Nice. The animated waterfalls mod, in particular, is great!