Donation Points System update

  • Comment
Back in May we told you we were changing the way mod author rewards work. We're fast approaching the launch of the new algorithm so we wanted to give a little more detail on what's changing, why it's changing and what it means for you. A TL:DR is at the end of the post

As we mentioned in the previous post, the Donation Points system has been a massive success with tens of thousands of mod authors receiving a bonus reward on top of the donations they'd have normally received directly from the community. However, some of the behaviours this system encouraged have led to a degraded experience for the end-user. 

Problem 1: Content optimised to maximise Donation Points

With the old Donation Points algorithm it became apparent that there was a correlation between how many mod pages you posted and how many points you earned each month - this was especially true for our most popular games. As a result, some authors would break their content down into lots and lots of individual mod pages to maximise the rewards they would receive. This resulted in a heavily degraded user experience - a user previously could get all variants of a mod (or parts of a set) on one page, but they now had to go to multiple different pages to get the "complete" mod. Uploading multiple mods will still be rewarded but authors will start to see diminishing returns from having more interactions with the same user(s). 

We've also updated the system to use a non-public algorithm to allocate Donation Points. While we understand this isn't great for transparency, it means that we remove the problem of authors min-maxing their Donation Points rather than creating content that's great for the community.

As part of these changes, it will no longer be possible to view a per-mod breakdown of Donation Points earned on the monthly reports. This is because the calculation works by measuring interactions between users over the month rather than solely counting downloads. To replace this functionality, we plan to give mod authors a dashboard displaying downloads per month outside of the rewards system. We aim to make this dashboard available to authors soon and may expand the stats available to include more than just unique downloads in the future.  

Problem 2: Abuse of the system through fraudulent downloads

A further exploit of the system that came to light was the ability for malicious users to earn significant amounts of Donation Points by creating thousands of fake accounts and using them to download their own content. This could potentially take significant sums of money away from genuine users, which is not acceptable. Given the accessibility of throw-away email addresses and VPNs this kind of abuse requires significant resources to track down and we decided that the best approach was to make this activity pointless by factoring it into the new algorithm. 

Problem 3: Mod list makers earn disproportionate rewards by including lots of their mods

Mod list curators do a great job supporting the community around their content and we feel they should be rewarded for this. The problem we identified was a trend whereby curators would upload resources for their list split across several mod pages. When a user downloads the collection/Wabbajack list/etc this would mean a unique download for each page and therefore generate a substantial amount of points. To be clear, we have no issue with mod authors creating collections that include groups of their mods to allow for easy downloading, but this trend was targeted towards mod files that had almost no value outside the use in the mod list. This is similar to the first problem but is very specific to mod lists. Uploading mods in this way will no longer generate excessive Donation Points.

Problem 4: Posting updated versions of mods on new mod pages

Some mod authors had taken to releasing updates to their mods by creating a new mod page for each version (and, often, deleting the original). This is a horrible experience for your fans as they are no longer able to easily track the mods they're interested in or be notified of new versions. It also breaks the "update" chain so that modding tools can't easily help users to update to the latest version.

This has always been against our Donation Points System Rules and we will be taking stronger action against users who do this, up to and including blocking them from earning any Donation Points. 

We know that some of this behaviour is driven by wanting to increase visibility of updates too, so we are looking into ways to better surface the updated content to users.

We've introduced the changes to not only address these problems but also to redistribute the rewards in a way that enables more authors to benefit from the system. Overall we're expecting ~60% of mod authors to see some kind of increase in their mod rewards. The remaining users are expected to see similar amounts, with some of the current "top earners" seeing a drop in Donation Points where distribution is flattened out a bit.

To be clear, if you receive less DP each month going forward this doesn't necessarily mean your upload behaviours are a problem, it just means that the way you've shared your content is valued differently in the new interaction-based algorithm. We still plan to put the same amount of money (or more) into the system each month. 

On reviewing the results of the simulated DP payouts we ran during this project we've noticed there are some cases where tool creators or other "high impact" authors in the community are not as well rewarded in the new system. We highly value tool creators who either enable modding or otherwise extend or amplify the mods that are available for games and we think that these individuals should be strongly rewarded for their efforts. As a result of this, we are now planning to create a separate pool of DP to distribute specifically to selected creators. This may be users who create modding tools that are invaluable to the modding scene (e.g. SMAPI for Stardew Valley) or create tools and frameworks which empower others to create great mods. This scheme is in the planning phases now and we aim to have more information on this later in the year. This will not impact the current DP system or how much money we put into the DP system.

Finally, we've also updated our Donation Points System Rules and empowered our Community Managers with new tools to disqualify specific mods or users from participating in the Mod Rewards program. This will allow us to better handle any exploitation of the system and be confident that content which shouldn't earn DP, won't.

TL;DR - If you'd like to join the discussion we strongly recommend reading the whole post!

  • The first Donation Points report using the new algorithm will be available in early August 2024 - this is for Donation Points earned in April 2024. The reports for May and June 2024 will also be available to view and the points will be added to your wallets in September and October respectively.
  • The inner workings of the new algorithm will not be made public to prevent abuse or exploitation of the system.
  • Donation Points are now shared more fairly and our stats show that ~60% of mod authors see an increase in their monthly rewards.
  • The new report will no longer include a per-mod breakdown of allocated points, but you will still see the splits with other authors. The per-mod download breakdowns will be moved to a new dashboard outside of the Donation Points system soon.
  • We've empowered our Community Team with better tools to tackle abuse of the system.
  • Check out our new Best Practices page for advice on creating great mod pages.
  • We're looking at setting up a new, separate rewards program to provide better awards for key tool/framework creators in the community using a separate pool of money. More on this later in the year! 
  • The total amount we're paying into the Donation Points system each month will remain the same or continue to increase. 

Overall, this new system will ensure that the Donation Points system rewards modders for producing high-quality content that the community loves and prevent exploitation of the system. We will be closely monitoring the distribution of DP each month and can make tweaks to the algorithm to make sure it's working as we would like it to. If you're a mod author and you have concerns or questions about these changes, please speak to one of our Community Managers using the forums, Discord or leave a comment below.


  1. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 712 kudos
    Important Update

    The DP reports for June, July and August are now available to view in your wallet.

    These reports have been generated using the new algorithm which we originally announced in August. If you're not sure what's changed please read above for a refresher. You won't see a count of Unique Downloads for these reports as it no longer directly correlates to the amount of DP.

    The total amount of DP added to the pool for each month is:

    • June - $350,000 + $538 from Patreon
    • July - $350,000 + $538 from Patreon
    • August - $350,000 + $509 from Patreon

    The Donation Points for June will be added to your wallet in early October. Once all the reports are published you will once again be able to see a 3 month forecast of incoming DP.

    The wallet section may be a little slow as it's going to be getting a lot of traffic at the moment.
  2. slimer91
    • premium
    • 34 kudos
    Not a modder, but I do translations. I guess they don't need translations:)
    1. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      Same here. It seems more like a punishment than an encouragement to contribute.

      Is it worth the effort? I would say no.

    2. slimer91
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      I was doing it for me. DPs were just a nice bonus, but I take this change as an insult
    3. Basil44
      • premium
      • 67 kudos
      it's a fiasco, bro.
    4. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,905 kudos
      honesly, it's translation mods.
      That was mentioned that kind of mods would recieve a decrease.

      I have mods in multiple gamesof all varieties, and i do not see any change in the amount of DPs, of course the UD are hidden, but they are usually pretty regular each month, excludng Falllout  tv show.
    5. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      I guess expanding the community so that more people can enjoy mods, just like translating games, is for Nexus an abomination.

      Not only do we deal with the fact that, obviously, we will never get the downloads that a mod has, but our effort is reduced insultingly to nothing.

      And our work is used by dozens of users (there are many languages) who do not reach English for whatever reason.

      Well, nothing, we will have to do reshade mods, character presets and body-armor conversions massively to come up with something.

      Fantastic way of looking at things.
    6. slimer91
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      With this attitude I will leave nexus back to the local site where I posted translations before
    7. Reper343
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      No offense, but translations realistically shouldn't be earning that much anyway, you did not create the original mod, all you've done is translate the text into a different language. It's not difficult to do if you know both languages.
    8. slimer91
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      so 300 DP is fair?)
    9. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      In other words, for you, a translation does not take time and effort to make, so video game translators should not get paid for their work either? Beautiful linguistic discrimination of yours.

      Well, by the same token, you shouldn't be earning that much anyway for making “patches” to make mods work together. All you've done is take two mods and put them together.

      Edit: I guess you don't answer because you can't... mmmmm, i see.
    10. slimer91
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Did you translate the mods? I'm not talking about the ones with a couple lines. I mean big mods with +2k lines?
    11. shieldandsword
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Why did they deprive me of DP?
      I don't have a single translation - only mods.
      Although I don't think that mod translations should be rated lower.
      About translations: does Nexus need subscribers, visitors and users of games in different languages?

    12. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,905 kudos
      This whole change was brought on mostly because of people piggybacking off of other mods, making patches and converions of content made by other users, and minmaxing it for DP farmng. Thus users spending 10 minutes in whatever tool to make said easy patch, would earn more than the original creators of the content that maybe spend weeks for one single mod, and it was not fair.

      Nobody here is "getting paid".
      Modders do not have a salary, and if you want to make a living off of modding, you can try.
      However you should invest your time and effort into creating your own content, maybe write quests for games, or create models, armors, and content that is generally popular. Anything you do should depend entirely on your own content and effort.
      And even then money will not be guaranteed, as the DP system is not meant to be a payment for a service. it's a gift, hence the name donation.

      It's like when an individual user sends you a donation through nexus. Just this time it'sthe nexus staff that wants to donate money to the creators, in the way and shape they see fit, and deem fair.

      I think that if you believe it's not reaching the desired outcome of the nexus team, you should probably contaact them through the feedback part of the website, and pose your concerns there, of course politely.
    13. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 712 kudos
      That was mentioned that kind of mods would recieve a decrease.

      I would like to clarify that this is not something that was ever said by anyone at Nexus Mods. It may have been part of the speculation around the changes though. 

      Translations may generate less DP due to how mods are weighted in the new algorithm. We'll be monitoring the outcomes and may tweak things if we feel it is needed. 
    14. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      Thus users spending 10 minutes in whatever tool to make said easy patch, would earn more than the original creators of the content that maybe spend weeks for one single mod, and it was not fair.

      A translation is IMPOSSIBLE to gain more DP than an original mod. We cannot pay for sinners either.

      A translation job can take days of work to be done properly. In my case I have 700k unique downloads ONLY in translations, with translated mods of hundreds of lines, scripts and configuration menus. I even have translations including dubbed voices. And all translations are up to date with respect to the original mod, which is not garbage piling up space.

      So, YES, there are people who download translations.
      Now they are worth less than character presets and armor conversions.

      Does that seem fair?
    15. Thumblesteen
      • supporter
      • 645 kudos
      When my friend told me the algorithm was hidden I made a joke and said "Oh that just means they're adding racism to it." 

      Turns out it wasn't a joke I guess.
    16. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,905 kudos
      that was not directed at you, but the general sentiment that brought the attention to the issue.
      Since DP were brought into the picture the site saw a lot of patches uploaded and put into a collection, SPLIT mods, aka episodic releases, (not that gaming companies arent ddoing this too btw), and in general low effort content.

      Like i said if yo do not feel like it's fair, or having the intended effect, there's an awesoem feedback forum, and lots of ways to express concerns.
      But i don't think it's fair or productive to just accuse and point fingers over a change that is trying to balance things out.
      That's only going to generate more chaos and discontent, and it's never a good thing.
      And yes, anything i got out of reading the article is merely a speculation.
      I interpret what's being said and try to make sense of it, applying it in practice. 
      Just sayign that when it takes me a week to make a mod, i end up calling it a low effort project, so we may have different perception on mods in general. But still even in projects that took me years I never thought I deserved a higher payout, even if the "earnings" from those long haul mods are the same as those that took me a week or two.
      So i can see why people whould lean more for making tons of fast mods, over working on complex passion projecs that would end up just being like all the others, so technicall in your mind it's wasted time.
      But fear not they mention in the article that the system is gonna get tweaked if needed, and its closely being monitored.
    17. beowulfmax
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Really? Translating mods of 1,000-50,000 lines isn't hard when the language isn't your second language? Even if you know both languages, subtracting that much takes more than a day or even a week. I don't know. Dropping from 22k DP to 200 obviously makes working and posting on this site useless for me... I'd rather post on Busty or Patreon. Nexus keeps killing my interest in posting anything...
      And nexus pays not donations - but payments for downloads unique ie for attracting users to the site, downloading mods and showing adverts. Including from the pages of patches and translations. And if the translation downloaded 30 000 people, and the mod 100, it is stupid to pay for the mod 1 000 and for the translation 100 DP. Especially since in some countries DP can only be spent on the nexus itself.
    18. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      and lots of ways to express concerns
      Well, and that's how I'm expressing them. A measure that has been especially hard on translations.

      We translators don't make a fortune from this, but, like the creators, we find it comforting to get something in return for our efforts, even if some people in the conversation think that translating is blasphemy and that the Earth would still be better off with only one language, which, by the way, would not be english, it would be adamic.
    19. MartinJHN
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      For how much time I've put in my translations and how much I am now getting (less than 500 DP) I should let AI do this. It would be s#*!, but at least I wouldn't be wasting my time. I mean DP is sure motivational, but if translators are earning so low for such effort then why shouldn't they use easier ways? Not every translation is small, some translations are even for whole games.
    20. beowulfmax
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Even that makes no sense - post design is also time - I was interested in DPs to buy games. Now it makes no sense to spend even 10 minutes, even to post auto-translation - let those who need to translate themselves. I will wait a couple of weeks and if the policy does not change I will tear down all my 88 mods. It will be worse not for me, but for nexus for such an attitude.
    21. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      DP's a DONATION, not a WAGE you earned from Nexus, come on. Still haven't figured out the reason that DP exists? Read the clauses and you will know that DP is a motivational earning, not a mandatory source of your income, which you should expect and accept decrease/increase.
      If you decide to use AI to make s#*! translations, just because your earning's fluctuating due to staff trying to balance things out, here's a better advice for you: QUIT. It saves your effort and reduces potential garbage contents on the platform, easy win-win situation.
    22. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      If the decrease of DP earning makes you feel so bad that you consider quitting, I say it's the time to do it. Most people on this platform post mods and work on things without much expectation of return or at least understand how DP works.

      I get a decrease on earning in the recent 3 months as well but I feel completely fine, because it's that one mod getting crazy downloads for reasons I cannot perceive earning the most in Apr and May, and I see DP as a reward, not income. So, earning more or less isn't affecting nothing to me, but I guess it hurts for you who use them to buy internet or game keys. In this case, you should have known it might happen when you enable your mods for donations and read that article about it. Funny seeing the tantrum prevailing in the comment section lol
    23. slimer91
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      will know that DP is a motivational earning
      That's a good point. But motivation is lost when you see that your work has suddenly started to be considered unnecessary.
      I only hope that they will reconsider the DP accrual for the transfer as written above
    24. slimer91
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
    25. laredson
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      DP's a DONATION, not a WAGE
      Yeah we know what it is. We are discussing how that donation is to be distributed. As a non english native speaker I love translation mods even if I fully understand english. The fact that english native speakers don't care about translations doesn't mean they are right, or that this new way of donation distribution is fair in any way.
      DP are supposed to give a feedback about how helpful you are to other players, aren't they?
    26. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Losing motivation from less earning looks unreasonable to me since you could have expected nothing monetary given to you until DP system started to exist. You've been benefited from it regardless of the amount of points received, and that's the motivational part I'm talking.
      You upload mods of any kind because you love doing it, not craving more points which is exactly the type of mindset this new algorithm tries to defeat.
    27. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      From what I have seen most people here who have been negatively affected are to protest the new system instead of trying to "discuss" anything. You could read the cynical tone in their comments as if Nexus staff owes them money. This is sad but hilarious.
    28. laredson
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      From what I have seen most people here who have been negatively affected are to protest the new system instead of trying to "discuss" anything. You could read the cynical tone in their comments as if Nexus staff owes them money. This is sad but hilarious.
      The fact that you don't care about translators and other modders complaints seem that you don't care about the wellbeing of the nexus community.
      With this precedent we could tell nexus is gonna be empty of translators and other modders will be discouraged to continue share their awesome stuff with nexus community.
      I advocate the nexus mods to be the #1 modders site but that would happen in a fair community, not a biased one.
    29. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      From what I have seen most people here who have been negatively affected are to protest the new system instead of trying to "discuss" anything
      I am 'discuss' that I bring work to this community.

      The translation work also requires a lot of time and effort. Not more than the original mod, obviously, but obviously we don't get as many downloads, endorse or 'thanks' as the mod does.

      Subes mods de cualquier tipo porque te encanta hacerlo, no porque quieres más puntos
      You can create 4 mods as a hobby and profit from it for your time. I can cover your 4 mods and 200 more to reach more people, my time will be worth less even though I have invested more hours in creating 200 translations than you have in creating 4 mods.. When you do 200 translations, your hobby becomes a routine. A hobby, but a routine, because it's the users who always ask you for more.
    30. cyan49
      • premium
      • 68 kudos
      DP are supposed to give a feedback about how helpful you are to other players, aren't they?
      You're supposed to get that from Endorsements/Votes/Comments.

      I see people misidentifying DP so I think it's about time Nexus made an official statement to clarify that again.
    31. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Empty? I tell you not, because certainly not all translators do their work just for that sheer amount of DP. If you do this all for the money, just quit. That saves you time and relieve your stress.
      As I stated before, no matter how much you earn, it's a reward, and you could have earned nothing if DP wasn't there.
    32. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      Honestly, you're a hypocrite. Do you know how many moders earn a paycheck a month by taking DP's? Do you think that for many people doing something ‘for the love of art’ is not more fruitful if they can reward their time with DP? Save your paraphernalia and set an example by removing your DPs.
    33. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      I made the statement but I never directed it to a particular person here, so you could safely assume it is not trying to call you out.

      As for your case:
      To be clear, if you receive less DP each month going forward this doesn't necessarily mean your upload behaviours are a problem, it just means that the way you've shared your content is valued differently in the new interaction-based algorithm. We still plan to put the same amount of money (or more) into the system each month. 
      Maybe it's time to think of it in another way: your contribution towards the community was not underated, but some were, and that is what the new algo will address. In other words, given DP is a shared pool, you didn't earn more but also not necessarily "earn less" for that a part of it goes to others who get valued higher -- Translation work's based on other people's original work after all. Still, a diminishing earning is not and never a practice of demotivating you because, I've said a thousand times, you could have expected nothing in return if DP wasn't here.

      Lastly, if you feel exhausted or your worthy time's wasted by taking other user's requests, don't take them. This is not a job (even you managed to turn a hobby into routine), and you owe no one a thing just the same way as Nexus staff doesn't owe to you.

      Hope that makes you feel fair?
    34. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      Fantastic, so, since the moders don't owe you anything, then let them not make content, and then Nexus won't need to hand out DP because it won't exist for that purpose.
    35. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Do you know how many moders earn a paycheck a month by taking DP's? 
      So what? Maybe find a real job instead of enforcing others to make ways for you to monetise your hobby? Please don't tell me you would just give up paying checks if Nexus stops "motivating" you anymore. Read the clauses and you will know that DP is a motivational earning, not a mandatory source of your income, said yours truly. 

      Do you think that many do it for the ‘love of the art’ when can monetise their hobby?
      Exactly, many do it because they love to do it. I make mods for FO4 because I like the game. Didn't see anything off.

      Save your paraphernalia and set an example by removing your DPs.
      You're welcome to go ahead and call a Nexus moderator to empty all DP points in my wallet. Still holding 110,683 DP and I promise I won't spend a penny, simply because I don't live off them and my motivation doesn't really come from these points.
    36. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Since the moders don't owe you anything, then let them not make content...
      Wow. Modders make mods because they owe Nexus users? That's new. I thought we all gathered here because we loved a game!
    37. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      make ways for you to monetise your hobby
      DP is a motivational earning
      You answer to yourself.
      Exactly, many do it because they love to do it.
      Take a look at my translation work and then give your opinion on whether I put passion into it or not.
      Wow. Modders make mods because they owe Nexus users? That's new. I thought we all gathered here because we loved a game!
      See how you don't understand anything? You yourself told me not to do translations because I don't owe people anything, so what are you talking about?
    38. Shawnee1222
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Still having issues with something I said over and over again, okay.
      Good luck begging with the epic logic of yours! :)
    39. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      Begging? Really? That said, a hypocrite. You shouldn't be in this community.
    40. laredson
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      You shouldn't be in this community.
      Indeed supercento.

      Good luck begging with the epic logic of yours! :)
      Such unpolite... all we're saying is certain people are being mistreated while others are prized because of reasons. A translator work is just as good as every other modder's work, then they should be rewarded as well.

      When injustice happens to others and you do nothing... nobody will be left to defend you when it's your time.
    41. MeridianoRus
      • premium
      • 287 kudos
      I've translated Warden of the Coast, Wyrmstooth, Vigilant, Glenmoril and Unslaad into Russian, some of my translations are hosted on NM, some not. I can't say this work is no-effort, it took me few months to hand-process WotC with xTranslator. Hell, I didn't spend this much time on any of my "real" mods!
    42. beowulfmax
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Alas, but those for whom English is native cannot understand what a translator's labour is and how important it is to the game community... often people can put a weapon or armour mod without translation, but they will not put a big quest mod without translation. So this is trivial chauvinism.
      Блин, что это я)) Проф деформация)
      Увы, но тем для кого английский родной, не понять, что такое труд переводчика и насколько он важен игровому сообществу.. зачастую люди могут поставить без перевода мод на оружие или броню, но ставить  большой квестовый мод без перевода они не будут. Так что это банальный шовинизм. Как не понять что тот же русский намного богаче и переводя приходится по меньшей мере дорабатывать зачастую. не совсем понятно кто пролоббировал эту странную политику но то что это будет в убыток нексусу несомненно. Сюда шли с других площадок  в том числе и потому, что были DP -  мне нужно было 4 месяца чтоб накопить на игру (вывести же нереально).. счас надо 100. Конечно я лучше пойду на отечественную площадку где буду сразу выкладывать полный мод с ресурсами а то и вовсе на Бусти.
    43. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      look, i do mods, not translations, but i'm bilingual. english was the language i spoke in my home as a child, but not the language i was educated in, or the language of business in my workplace, or the sole language of my home as an adult. i'm very familiar with the challenges of an anglo-centric world - in fact my dayjob involves quite a lot of advocacy on that point and specifically having to push back against monolingual documentation. 

      but frankly, i'm sorry, but while translation is valuable, i think it's perfectly reasonable to recognise that it isn't as extensive or time-consuming a job as the original. people throw around huge, lengthy translations and i'm sure some of them are really big pieces of work. but most aren't, and i've seen an increasing number of translation mods that are for incredibly lightweight mods - like dice mods in bg3. there will never be a translation that requires as much work as the original. if a mod has 10k lines, i mean how big is the mod gonna be? translating creative fiction and poetry is absolutely an art and time consuming - in that arena, the translator is a collaborating artist of the highest order - but in modding most of the creative work isn't linguistic, and where it is, it will be a smaller part of the whole package.

      in many scenes it makes more sense to bundle the translation with the main mod. certainly in my mods, missing strings can cause issues beyond just missing text. but somehow people seem to think translation mods don't require permissions or a discussion with the original mod author. and there is absolutely a problem with low effort translations of tiny mods in what's obviously an attempt to DP farm. 

      listen, i'm not saying the work isn't valuable, but when i offer to help someone with mod testing, or offer advice on how to implement something, or spend an afternoon trying to debug a friend's issue? when i proof read a friend's new codex entries, or share some assets with someone? i don't do so with the expectation of any DP share - not unless we've discussed it and i made a really significant contribution to the guts of the mod. if you want to offer translation services in exchange for a DP share of the release, then great - offer that to devs and see if they accept. 

      i understand why you're upset if you're getting less money, the drop seems pretty steep, and perhaps they'll adjust the algorithm to be a little less harsh. but frankly, some of the amounts shown here, under the old system, are much higher than i have ever gotten. and i have some pretty popular mods in a mid-sized scene (mass effect), including a DP share in one of the unofficial bugfix patches. getting $50 - $60 a month is more than twice what i tend to get, and i've spend thousands of hours making new content and providing bugfixes (including a lot of painstaking localisation audio work - because yes, that really matters to me). 

      i'm not complaining about my level of reward. i'm just trying to make a comparative point. i think that perhaps it would help to get some perspective that you're still making more than a lot of the people whose work you translated. that's part of why i don't think the case you're making here is particularly sympathetic. 
    44. laredson
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      while translation is valuable, i think it's perfectly reasonable to recognise that it isn't as extensive or time-consuming a job as the original
      translations will forcedly have less downloads than original.
      people throw around huge, lengthy translations and i'm sure some of them are really big pieces of work. but most aren't, and i've seen an increasing number of translation mods that are for incredibly lightweight mods - like dice mods in bg3
      usually smaller translations have even less downloads.

      My point is that someone is making life easier or better to some other, that is reflected on download number mainly, less with endorse system as people don't use to lose their time endorsing each of their 400 mods, they play instead.
    45. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      translations will forcedly have less downloads than original.

      and also take less time, meaning a single translator can translate more mods than a modder can make. the argument goes both ways. 

      the fact people don't endorse 400 separate tiny mods is part of the issue nexus was actively trying to address because there often doesn't need to be 400 separate mods. how many of your translations would be more conveniently packaged alongside the mod you are translating? as part of a unified, localised download (if the modding scene in question supports that) or as an alternate download on that same page (if it doesn't)? 

      honestly, wherever possible, i think translations should be packaged alongside the original mod. it allows the original developer control over the translation of their content and how that's shipped and presented, it allows end users a more streamlined experience, and if you feel you have significantly contributed to the project, you can ask for a percentage of the donation points. but i do feel that translation work is more in line with a lot of other activity within the scene - asset creation, playtesting, bugfixing, proof reading, creating graphics. it's all extremely valuable. depending on the level and originality and effort any of the above may be good candidates for a DP split. none of them are less valuable than translation. yet somehow translations, because they can be packaged as standalone mods, keep getting packaged that way and treated differently. 
    46. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      and also take less time, meaning a single translator can translate more mods than a modder can make
      Basically, it is very easy to understand.

      - Translations do not get more downloads than the original mod. Correct!
      - Translations don't generate more revenue than the original mod because they are intended for specific users. Correct!

      I agree that there are mods that are only a few lines, but there are also mods that are thousands of lines. I, in my case, have been translating mods since 2014 and keeping them updated to each version of the original mod.
      Some mods have been updated dozens of times, and that requires a commitment to the community. In fact, many of my mods have dubbed voices, do you know how much work that takes? It's not just hand-translating thousands of lines that can take days, it's supplementing it with extras in the target language that takes even more days, and that, my lord, should be valued, just like a mod, as a job, to which time, effort and desire have been devoted.
    47. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      valued more than asset creation and bugfixing and playtesting? valued more than writing? valued more voice acting? all of these are commonly contributed by third parties to mod devs, and then it is up to the devs whether they split the DP with them or not. a translation is, ultimately, part of a mod. i don't understand why it ought to be standalone, or why translators deserve rewarding above and beyond the many other community members who do not have the option to simply break their part of the mod apart and have it rewarded separately. 

      and, in fact, breaking apart sections of mods and uploading them separately was exactly what this algorithm was intended to discourage. 

      you're talking about the days and days you spend on a translation but how low the download numbers are. but you were earning more than twice what i earn in DP per month and i'm a well-established modder in a mid-sized scene. you talk about spending days and days on translations, but that's not much at all if you're comparing it broadly to mod development. my mods are often in development for several months. so the point about potential production rates as a counterpoint to lower downloads still stands.

      if you don't want to do it anymore, that's fine. in fact, you shouldn't if it's just making you feel bitter and resentful. this is a hobby space and it shouldn't be a place of stress and anxiety. but honestly, maybe that means the people who will stick around and do translations will be more open to packaging them in a user-friendly way and bundle them with the original mods. 
    48. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      you're talking about the days and days you spend on a translation but how low the download numbers are. but you were earning more than twice what i earn in DP per month
      s#*!, dude, seriously you compare me that? 19 projects, against 283 translations (279, four are own projects of unofficial translations....... YES, FOUR ORIGINAL MODS). And you're criticizing me for earning more per month? Really?

      And any modder could earn more than you per month. So what???

      That's your problem, that you still consider the job of translating to be F**CK** S#*!.
    49. innov4tor
      • premium
      • 37 kudos

      I wasn't going to comment on this DP changes because, honestly I don't care much for it. A free game once in a while is enough for me.
      But, after looking at the reports posted here it kind of upset me the fact that people "leech" a mod with translations and don't have the decency to share even a small percentage of DP with the mod author. That kind of says a lot about the people complaining.

      And just to be clear, if you do some work (mod/translation/...) you should be rewarded. That reward amount needs to be proporcional to the amount of work done, something that was not happening with the old method. The new algorithm is a good thing. Iam sure they will tweak it more going forward to fix any imbalances.

      As a final note, remember that the DP reward pool has a fixed value. The DP you received means less DP for every one else including the great and influencial mod authors you like to "leech" from.  

      Have fun.
    50. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      no, i wasn't criticising you. i was pointing out that you posted a screenshot of the amount you were making that's gonna look way higher than most people who make mods here. and that doesn't support your argument that translators experience low download numbers overall. 

      but if you want to go there, i think the numerical comparison and your attitude is very instructive.

      i actually have slightly more than 19 projects because i get a DP cut for a few other co-developed mods, including a major bugfix mod. but yes, in the four years i've been modding, i've been able to make about 19 mods to a standard i consider high enough to be releasable. you've released more than that in the last three months. and about 230 over the same time period. 

      there's no way i could possibly keep up with that kind of output with the types of mod i make. which pretty much proves my point - translations are much quicker to produce, this offsets the lower download rates per mod, and so i don't agree with your assertion that the lower download rates themselves are a check on anything. 

      what i don't understand is why you took that as an insult so deep you needed to start swearing at me. or why i should be ashamed of a smaller catalogue of mods. or why you feel you're somehow better than me because you have published more. surely effort, originality, the quality of the content, should all matter as well? 

      i've also noticed you haven't offered a single argument about why translation work should be more valued than all the other really important jobs that get done in the scene without the ability to directly monetise them. like writing, 3d modelling, voice acting, graphics, playtesting, etc. i've raised it in every single comment and all you do is scream about how hard you work and how i don't care about translation.

      i do. i've spent literally hundreds of hours on audio localisation for bugfix patches. i have sourced full text translations for nearly all my mods. as i said further up, i'm fluently bilingual and a big part of my dayjob is advocating for my colleagues' protected linguistic rights in regards to official documents. i know several professional translators. i've got a good grasp on it. i just don't think it's more valuable than any of those other ways of contributing to mods. and i don't think it's as valuable as the original mod in this specific context. you haven't offered up a single counterargument that i can see. "you don't care about how hard i work" isn't an argument when we're all working hard.
    51. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      translations are much quicker to produce, this offsets the lower download rates per mod, and so i don't agree with your assertion that the lower download rates themselves are a check on anything. 
      That has nothing to do. I may have put twice or three times as many hours into Nexus as you have.

      Do you know how many character creation mods and reshades make more profit than you and me in what we do? Why don't you point them out?

      And by the way, I have not insulted you at all, make no mistake. You said that since you are a moderator and I am a translator, I should earn less than you. It is unfair for people like you to think that translators do not deserve merit in a global community because people like you do not use our work.
    52. Gantz79
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      You have all deviated from the real problem which is that this would be avoided if you did not want to automate something that would have to be assessed personally and case by case, but when it is said that this would mean hiring more staff and that it would affect the bottom line of the monthly DP the vast majority is against it.
      From a business point of view it is better to have 40% of complaints from users than 80% and also you confront each other leaving aside those responsible.
      I would also like to remind you that many of the important Nexus staff only work Monday through Thursday and will not read any of this.

      Translated with (free version)
    53. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      buddy you directly capslock swore at me, yes, you absolutely insulted me. don't swear at people if you're not gonna own it.

      i didn't say you deserved to earn less than me, specifically, i said that contributions to someone else's mod (and yes, i believe a translation is a contribution to someone else's mod) deserve to be rewarded at a lower rate than the main developer of that mod. which is why i do not ask for or expect DP compensation for the tutorials i write, the playtesting i do, the proofreading and writing i have done for other mod developers. because i am contributing to their mods, any reward is at their discretion. and i don't understand why translation work should be any different. 

      but, for the third time, you have elected not to answer that point. 

      not sure what you've got against character creation mods, they often involve a lot of new asset creation etc. unless you mean like, slider presets? but honestly, if there were a bunch of people yelling about how terribly unfair it was that their save file uploads or low effort reshade presets weren't making as much DP as they used to i probably would be here arguing with them. but they aren't. and you are. 
    54. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      buddy you directly capslock swore at me, yes, you absolutely insulted me. don't swear at people if you're not gonna own

      Can you quote me the part where I directly insult you?
      The only thing I exposed to you was that your problem with this is that you consider translations to be s#*! because you brought up the comment that a translator gets more DPs per month than you do. You expressed that reasoning, not me.
      Seriously, dude, stop misrepresenting things.

      Anyway, I don't think it's worth talking about this anymore.

      Sorry to everyone for the inconvenience, folks. I'm just sad.
    55. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      That's your problem, that you still consider the job of translating to be F**CK** S#*!.
      I will not allow you to degrade the amount of hours I have invested in publishing my work because you believe that translating is a F**CK** S#*!.

      oh my god are you seriously gonna argue that screaming and swearing at me like this (when i was speaking civilly to you) is fine because it doesn't fit whatever your convenient definition of a "direct insult" is? you think i'm the one misrepresenting you, when you're the one who took "hey i think translation is valuable, but i'm not sure it deserves special treatment within the DP system when compared to a lot of other contributions people make" and somehow turned it into "YOU JUST HATE IT YOU THINK IT'S ALL F*** $H*T!!!!!"?, cool, that's not a misrepresentation at all. sure. though i guess it's easier than engaging with my actual position. which you've now ignored for the fifth time. 

      for the record, responding to someone trying to have a conversation by screaming abuse at them is always directly insulting. i hope you can find some space to cool down during your break from the conversation.
  3. Wolflady500
    • premium
    • 106 kudos
    After checking out a few profiles of people who report a increase of DP, I think I see a trend...

    Super popular modern games (Fallout 4, Cyberpunk, Balder's Gate 3) are getting most of the DP, and less popular, older games got decreased (from where they were before).
    I honestly expect to see this only encourage more low effort DP farming mods for those games than anything else.
  4. MrShersh
    • premium
    • 227 kudos
    Hello, everyone!
    I had some questions about how the new algorithm works, as I didn't see any dependence on user interaction, rather the opposite.

    I understand that there was a mod fallout hype before the summer months. And that we should all have expected a decline in the summer. I understand, that's not why I'm here.

    I posted the Functional Backpack mod on June 23rd. I tried to make a good design and made a Fommod installer. By the end of June, if I'm looking at the graph correctly, it had collected about 3.5k downloads. I know that unique downloads don't play such a role anymore - just read on. I was busy fixing bugs and responding quickly to user questions (i.e. = interaction, if I understand correctly).

    In June, this mod got 2,259 DP
    July - 3,524
    August - 1,125 DP
    Three months: 6908

    At the same time, my friend posted a mod patch that got 1577 downloads in June. Minimal user interaction, few bug fixes, simple page design, no fommods.

    In June, this mod got 4,190 DP.
    July - 2200
    August - 1500
    Three months: 7890

    So, my friend and I are wondering how this could have happened? My friend and I agree that the backpack should have gotten more, but we can't figure it out from looking at the numbers. I also didn't see any benefit from the interaction (or maybe I just didn't understand what it meant).
    I would also like to know if it has something to do with the page design? In general, looking at all this, I had thoughts that I did something wrong, but I do not understand what exactly.

    Regarding the general situation with DP:
    I will say honestly, I expected a decrease in the level of DP, but I did not expect it to be so big for me, since I am not a farmer. I had one mod that I once divided, but now it is in 2 in 1. I have several translations, but the main part of DP has always been brought to me by mods.

    People who want to write "Modding is a free hobby" etc - Please reread my comment, as I am here with slightly different questions.

    Backpack mod
    My friend's mod

    P.S. I would like to make a clarification. I'm trying to find out if I did something wrong, considering the new algorithm. For example, if the new algorithm uses AI, and my description uses pictures instead of the text "Description", "Installation", etc., then it's possible that my mod will be considered poorly designed when checked.

    I use a translator, so excuse my English.
    1. Gantz79
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      What you say is totally unjustified and very discouraging, I will add something else that I planned to publish when I have gathered enough information.

      I created this post because I don't see anyone commenting on the real problems with this algorithm except for the screenshots showing a reduction in DP, I will start with a quote so as not to create a debate with non-interested users.

      If Donation Points are a strong motivation for you then the following may be of interest to you.

      I am very happy that I now receive DP for updating my content is a real progress, but the systematic removal of 38% of my mods from the DP system by the new interaction system undermines any illusion that this may generate.
      As of August I shared 549 modifications for 14 video games, of which I have only obtained DP for 62% of them, what I will offer now is an analysis and some simple data.

      I am the creator of 19 of the 21 mods that InfinityStrash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai has, these mods were created between March and June and have a select group of about 200 users who interacted with them, all these mods received between 1~35 downloads each month between June to August, the result is:

      4 mods received DP all three months, 5 received DP two months and 10 received DP only one month, in the month of August 15 mods received 0 DP having a total of 86 TDL the rest an average of 1,5~3 DP per TDL.

      Then I thought “how hard is this new algorithm” and started checking other of my less downloaded mods for more popular games, result:

      Spider-Man Remastered - 57 mods / SymbioteStyle for Armored Advanced Suit (2 Versions)
      June - 5 tdl / 0 DP
      July - 7 tdl / 39 DP = 5,57 DP per TDL
      August - 7 tdl / 0 DP

      Starfield - 23 mods / Black and White SarahOutfit
      June - 1 tdl / 4 DP
      July - 1 tdl / 0 DP
      August - 1 tdl / 4 DP

      After seeing that something was wrong, since opening modding on a video game and constantly staying on Hot Mods would now have to report more than the least downloaded and oldest mods of popular games, so I went on to check the new game I am modding now and checked the 4 only mods I uploaded on August 31 when only 2 mods existed and they got the following DPs in one day:

      Gundam Breaker 4 - Report for 1 Day in August 2024
      DS4 and DS5 ControllerUI (2 versions) - 88 tdl / 164 DP = 1,86 DP per TDL
      Removes DOF and CA - 128 tdl / 269 DP = 2,10 DP per TDL
      Shop Sell All Articlesand Free (2 versions) - 386 tdl / 516 DP = 1,33 DP per TDL @2nd Popular (all time)@
      Remove Parts of The HUD(9 Options) - 63 tdl / 112 DP = 1,77 DP per TDL

      As the accountant at my job would say the numbers don't lie and if that wasn't enough all of them are mods that “diversifying the type of mods you make” and you can also see how the third mod that I uploaded and the 2nd Popular all time mod that exists for this game that received the least reward.

      The conclusions I will share now are exclusively created with the data from my mods, there may be other hidden reward factors as it is happening with the Translators or the 45.000.000 DP increase in Skyrim.

      - All mod updates will receive new DPs from interactions with old users who were already using the mod.
      - Popular games where you have old mods that are not downloaded much will receive more than before (see NOTE).
      - Optional files in mods will receive DP for interacting with the same user in the same month

      - Having more than 5~9 mods in unpopular games will not bring you any rewards past the first month (see Infinity Strash DQ).
      - Rewards for unpopular game mods will be greatly reduced from the first interaction, even being the first day and the first mods to be created (see Gundam Breaker 4).
      - A large part of mods of unpopular games that get between 1~30 interactions will be randomly excluded from the DP system (in my case 38% monthly).
      - Interactions with optional parts of a mod will also enter into the decreasing total count (although it seems to have less impact than other mods).
      - Creating mods for different games where the same users will interact will reduce the value of interactions to 0 (in my case Bandai Namco games).
      - The system seems to have some kind of percentage that stays over the one month count limits (see NOTE).
      - Mods from other authors from which you receive rewards will also be affected by your interactions with users (see NOTE).

      NOTE: Among my mods with the least downloads I found some real rarities that suggest that the new system works by trimesters or something like that because it is incomprehensible, take this into account when hiding or deleting mods.

      Final Fantasy VII Remake - 101 mods / Barret withthe Rude Sunglass
      June - 2 tdl / 0 DP
      July - 1 tdl / 0 DP
      August - 1 tdl / 20 DP
      Zelda TotK
      - 41 mods / BlackRoyal Guard Uniform
      June - 4 tdl / 0 DP
      July - 4 tdl / 35 DP = 8,75 DP per TDL
      August - 7 tdl / 0 DP
      Captain Tsubasa - 1 mod / CaptainTsubasa Rise of New Champions v1.46.1 Cheat Engine Table
      June - 182 tdl / 418 DP = 2,29 DP per TDL
      July - 195 tdl / 497 DP = 2,54 DP per TDL
      August - 142 tdl / 810 DP = 5,70 DP per TDL

      Also mods that other authors decided to share their points with you will be affected by these random interactions of the algorithm

      Final Fantasy VII Remake - 101 mods / Buster Sword -Crisis Core Reunion - Ratio 25%
      June - 8 tdl / 0 DP
      July - 4 tdl / 27 DP = 6,75 DP per TDL
      August - 7 tdl / 0 DP

      P:S: I think it would have been necessary to take much more time to implement the new points system and not launch it quickly to reassure users, it is affecting more than 40% of what was initially commented.

      Translated with (free version)
  5. Wolflady500
    • premium
    • 106 kudos
    I ended up with fewer DP too. Not a MAJOR decrease (at least not from the Fallout-stricken months. It is actually pretty steep from my usual) but a decrease nonetheless. So much for real modders getting an increase? I'd be curious to know if anyone actually saw an increase.
    Oh well, I'll still be posting mods here, but defo feels like things are actually not so improved for modders who were just posting casually.

    Edit: Looking past the wall of complaining and fighting, looks like some people did get an increase, so that's good! I was just hoping it'd be an even increase across the board for normal modders, and that's not really what happened.

    But it's not a big deal, I was only getting like $10 every three months anyway. Now it'd be uh... six months. Thankfully I wasn't relying on it for anything.
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,905 kudos
      I think i got an increase, however as I make content for Fallout, i do not know wether the "increase " is still due to increased Fallout traffic.

      Obverall the stat is 1/4 - 1/5  higher tha before the fallout spike.
      However game releases, game updates and so on all affect niche creator's outcomes.
      I make mods for older games, as i tend to not enjoy new games, and while it'd be easy money to jump onto starfield, fallout 4 or cyberpunk, i can't be bothered to make content i have no desire making, but anywhat the release onths of said games see a significantly decrease Amount, due to most people being busy with the new gam, and increasing the download pool of that game, thus reducing the others.

      Apparently i have enough mods that do allow for not falling into the interaction based algorythm, due to the small userbase of older games.

      Overall the change is not effecting me fo the most part, but i'm glad that farmers and collection cheaters are being addressed. I have faith that the site team will find a way to balance it further.
  6. PinkyDude
    • premium
    • 1,058 kudos
    The new system seems pretty balanced!
    All of my friends so far got a raise, some even doubled their previous months :D 
    1. rpsgc
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Yeah, very balanced.

      Went from ~6000 DP/month to ~2000 DP/month.

      What an improvement.
    2. deceptious
      • premium
      • 2,149 kudos
      Guess you're not his friend then...
    3. CyberVesna
      • premium
      • 145 kudos
      I'm not, so all checks out. 
    4. PinkyDude
      • premium
      • 1,058 kudos
      Not sure why you  sour souls of all people would interact with my comment? Anyway💀

      Got more friends sharing their raise, the only complains I've seen has been there in this thread
      Just sharing some positive feedback to the team, good luck 

      EDIT: And for any by-passer, I've lost around ~450k DP per month; this doesn't change anything for me
      If your only motivation for modding was the money, maybe find a new hobby? 🙏
    5. PinkyDude
      • premium
      • 1,058 kudos
      EDIT: Not sure why the previous comment got deleted, but this was a reply to this >

      There really isn't any secret :D nor "right" or "wrong" way to mod
      I've been modding what I want, whenever I want, and so for the past 3years.
      My content isn't even considered "popular" compared to the type of Cyberpunk 2077 mods present in Hot Mods each weeks.

      The only reason I've had these "big" numbers is because I've been modding different things for years.

      Here's some screenies from my friends reports
      And no, despite what the previous salty comments might suggest, I obviously had nothing to do with the distribution of their DPs 😂

      I'll only repeat myself, but I'm glad smaller modders's works are being recognized!
      This is a good change, for everyone, on the long run.

      Keep up the good work, Nexus team 🙏
    6. hxntxihero
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      can u gimme little bit pls?
    7. supercento
      • premium
      • 425 kudos
      Oh, PinkyDude, I couldn't even dream of that many downloads, haha.
    8. beowulfmax
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Jun 2024 - 478 DP
      May 2024 - 22,055 DP
      WHAT an improvement.
  7. Satella85
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Delete the store, make DP public. Let it become a measure of evaluation no more.
  8. Rakul
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Huge decrease after this update. It's bad. Old one was better.
  9. BlubboDE
    • premium
    • 854 kudos
    It is certainly difficult for an algorithm to judge how much work has gone into a mod. For example, it still takes me 1-8 hours to create a new tree and make it usable in the game. If I create a new texture with atlas, this time is added. How should that be rated? That is certainly never possible. I just love creating trees, even if I don't have as much time as I did a year ago. I appreciate the kind feedback and am grateful that there are donations at nexus.
  10. charmonder
    • premium
    • 82 kudos
    450 переводов, 3 бакса за 3 месяца, Спасибо, справедливо.

  11. laredson
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    I have no translation, all variety mods for different games.
    With this, as is said, I should be earning much more than before as I am accomplishing several supposed goals of the new algorithm.
    Am I not doing right??