About this mod
This is a character overhaul that aims to bring skills and action skills up to end game potential, as well as a few bug fixes and QoL improvements.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
You can play this mod co-op but you have to use my custom globals, and everyone needs the mod, for it to work correctly. The globals are included in the mod by default, but have to be enabled for them to take effect. Instructions on how to enable it are included at the bottom of this page or in the readme included.
The reason for this is because these are technically custom characters, which is why you need the included saves for the changes to take effect.
Update 2.0
-Fixed Stat UI and Health regen not being 2%
-Supply Drop now spawns Healing Orbs on kill
-Cauterize now heals 7% damage per skillpoint instead of 6%
-Revive now has a 10% chance to revive on kill while the turret is out
-Short Fuse Reverted (7 seconds is unnessesary with the already shortened cooldown)
-Prize Fighter has been updated to use all 5 points, each point adds a bit more to the duration on kill now
-Added the money back to prize fighter for poops and giggles
-Updated the Particle effect for Mind Games
-Added the zombie hands during phasewalk back due to popular demand
-Slight ammo regen on killing an enemy wtih phoenix as suggested
-Phasewalk is much more trasparent
-Bird of Prey now shows the correct amount of bloodwing targets
-Out for Blood now Spawns Healing orbs on kill while bloodwing is out
-Fixed what type ammo swipe/ransack drop
-Fixed the Mord pt1 save not spawning ammo
Optional new merged globals with LegX's custom globals mod. It contains all the changes and hotkeys that LegX made, plus all the requirements to be able to play online and the rarity overhaul and other things in the Character Overhaul. (Scroll down for install Instructions)
-Fixed "Use" being a reload button (Thanks ZetaDemon)
-If youre using a gamepad youll have to change an ini setting to reload, check the install instructions for more details.
-Added Dark Cyan for near perfect/perfect pearlescent guns
Health Overhaul (requires globals)
-From level 2-14 you gain (total health x 0.5%) + 15hp per level
-From level 15-34 it ups to 1% more hp per level
-From level 35-50 it ups to 3% more hp per level
-From level 51-69 it ups to 4% more hp per level
Max level health is now 2945
This makes the game much more like borderlands 2 and 3 health systems and should result in staying alive longer while level 71 enemies are shooing you.
Unfortunatly for this to take affect you either have to start a new character or be under level 40 to get all of the new HP.
This is because the only way to apply the new hp is on level up. If youre continuing a character, itll take a good amount of levels to catch up to the hp you should be at.
All Characters
-New unused level up particle effect
-One new backpack slot every level up
-Base damage of the scorpio turret has been increased
-The scorpio can be cancelled at any time by pressing the action skill button again (your skill cools down faster with no turret out)
-Accuracy of the turret is slightly better
-Base scorpio cooldown decreased from 100 seconds to 60 seconds
-Base scorpio deployed time increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds
-Scorpio FOV increased from 170 degrees to 230 degrees
-Revive, Stockpile, and aid station ranges have been increased 2.5x
-Stockpile ammo regen speed increased
-Stat range increased 2x
-Stat healing increased per point spent from 1% to 2% per second
-Each level of Revive has an increased chance of reviving a teammate, with the max now at 90%
-Guided missile now starts on every 6 seconds, maxed out fires every 2 seconds
-Guided missile now has an added effect "Killing an enemy with the Scorpio turret deployed extends the duration"
-Grit changed to resist all damage types and resistance slightly increased
-Sentry damage increased from 7% to 15% each point
-Grenadier grenade damage increased from 3% to 7% each point
-Scattershot shotgun damage increased from 3% to 4% each point
-Berserk cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 45 seconds
-Berserk movement speed increased
-Berkserk jump height increased
-Berserk resistances have been increased
-Berserk base duration has been increased from 18 seconds to 22 seconds
-Berserk base melee damage slightly increased
-Unbreakable now works during Berserk
-Bloodsport health regen increased from 2% to 6% per skill point
-Bloodsport health regen time increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds
-Prize Fighter has been changed to a new perk: Killing an enemy extends the duration of your Berserk, but you're on a timer. Get kills in rapid
succession to get the most out of this perk.
-Prize Fighter only needs one perk point to apply the above effect, EXTRA POINTS IN PRIZE FIGHTER ARE WASTED
-Heavy Handed has an added random crits effect called "Knockout Punch" (just like Mordecai's Lethal Strike skill) crits are signified with a
rocket launcher sound effect
-Iron Fist damage increased from 6% to 10% per point
-Short Fuse seconds off cool down increased from -6 to -7 per point
-Endowed damage increased from 3% to 7% each point
-Cast Iron damage reduction increased 8% to 12%
-Master Blaster rocket regen rate increased from .035 to .075 (The ui for Master Blaster's regen rate is very inaccurate, so youll have to take my word for it)
-Bloodwing can now attack 3 enemies with the main skill
-Bird of Prey enemy attack count has been increased from 1 to 2 enemies per skill point
-Swift Strike damage has been increased from 20% to 25% per skill point
-Swipe has a better chance of dropping ammo instead of just money
-Swipe has a small chance to drop a weapon, classmod, grenade mod or artifact (including pearl weapons and craw class mods)
-Ransack now has the updated knoxx armory loot pool and artifacts
-Ransack has a higher chance of dropping weapons/items instead of just ammo
-Lethal Strike base melee damage increased from 10% to 20% per point
-Lethal Strike crit damage boosted
-Smirk xp gain increased from 3% to 5%
-Zombie floating hands removed during phasewalk
-Phoenix has been changed to temporarily increasing your magazine size instead of random shots not being spent
The reason for this is because the reloading problem is not an issue with the skill but with how the automatic reloading itself works. I found this to be a good compromise and the automatic reloading is no longer an issue.
-Striking has been changed sometimes causing an AoE, slowing all enemies within the radius
-Venom will now corrode 100% of the time
-Mind Games now has a chance to enrage the enemy you're shooting, causing them to attack everything in sight (slow effect removed)
-Phase Strike now has a chimera effect added to the melee in addition to the increased melee damage
Globals Changes
(Optional for single player, required for co op)
-Rarity overhaul including 4 new rarities, light green, light blue, light purple, and dark red (dark red is for almost perfect/perfect purple weapons)
-Extended day night cycle
-Item of the day time set to 10 minutes
-Quest pick up items are now blue rarity instead of green
Big thanks to SleepMaster for teaching me how to load custom characters and making all of this possible.
Install Instructions:
Install dr zed patch
1. Move the folder "Borderlands Character Overhaul 2.0" to Borderlands\WillowGame\CookedPC\DLC (Should look like this)
2. Back up your saves in Documents\My Games\Borderlands\SaveData
3. Download the character save you want from the optional files and put it in the save data folder in step 2
(Just clicking "new character" will not work, you must use a save provided)
Custom globals activation
(Required for Co-op)
1. Navigate to Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config
2. Back up and then open your WillowEngine.ini

(you can copy this one, nexus mods cant handle the line for some reason so I have to use an image for the instructions)
5. Save the ini and make it read only
Merged globals
1. Place the merged globals files with the overhaul install
2. Do the Same steps as above but in step 4 replace the line with:

(you can copy this one, nexus mods cant handle the line for some reason so I have to use an image for the instructions)
Update Instructions:
(backing up your saves never hurts)
1. Download and extract the new version
2. Navigate to Borderlands\WillowGame\CookedPC\DLC
3. Drag the new version over and overwrite when prompted (should be 10 files)
4. Play :)
You might have to re-spend a few skill points if a skill got updated.
Fixing Gamepad reload with the new globals
1. Navigate to Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config
2. Back up and then open your WillowInput.ini
3. Scroll all the way to the bottom to [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]
4. Find Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_X"
5. Replace that line with:
Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_X",Command="advancedbutton bContextUse | advancedbutton bReload",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)