When the war is over

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  1. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 398 kudos
    Compelling scenes, Michael. I understand not enjoying a game that depicts WWII.
    What they learned is that War is Hell.
    But what they also learned is that appeasement never works against an aggressor bent on conquest.
    And in the end, if you do not fight for freedom, you will not have freedom.
    Adolf Hitler was a mad and cruel dictator who had to be stopped.
    The key is for the citizens in such societies to not allow such people to attain power.
    This is why the 2nd Amendment (The Right to Bear Arms) in the U.S. Constitution is so important because it empowers the people to rise up against oppressive government. Until humankind evolves to a higher level of consciousness, peace through strength is the only alternative because aggressors who perceive weakness will always subjugate those who are weak.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 343 kudos
      It never ends  --

      And they mean it.
    2. gurleygirl
      • premium
      • 398 kudos
      Exactly!! You cannot appease radical Muslims.
    3. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 185 kudos
      Thanks Gurley and Laird.
  2. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,148 kudos
    I completely agree with what dear gurley writes
    Excellent captured scenes Mike even if filled with sadness.
    1. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 185 kudos
      Thanks Izzy!
  3. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    I liked your intro , but it seems we, humanity, seem to be very consistant in solving our problems in this way...
    Very often old man's grieves or power struggles being solved by sending young men into battle killing each other ...
    1. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 185 kudos
      Thanks Erwin.
  4. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    The images are top quality, mate!
    I totally agree with your intro. What did we learn? We appear to have short memories. WWI was originally given the title "The War to End All Wars"
    21 years later, we were back at it.

    1. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 185 kudos
      Thanks Ian!