About this mod
A Try Hard SweetFx Version for Chivalry to Make it Look More Realistic
- Permissions and credits
This ist a Brand New SweetFx Present for Chivalry: Medival Warfare.
There is also More Saturation now to make the Game look more Colorful While the Shadows are now Darker.
Its not Perfect , but Still a Improvment.
Sometimes, Especialy on Dungeon maps its Pretty Dark and u wont see Shit at all While on Some Maps (E.x Colloseum/Arena) its Pretty Bright and looks fucking Hot. im Trieng to Fix this but its going to Make the SweetFx look less Amazing on Other Maps, where the Lighning Actually Fits pretty perfect for it.
How to Install:
- Unpack the Files
- Go to your Game Direction ( Probably *C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\chivalrymedievalwarfare* )
- go to Binaries and choose Win32 (For the 32 Bit version) or Win64 (for the 64 Bit version) and Unpack the files in there.
- if you use the Win64 Version you have to Use the D3D9.Dll and dxgi.dllfrom the SweetFx_x64 Folder.
- Enjoy
Dont Blame me for my Bad Gramma cause im a Gramma Nazi (German)