About this mod
LionoTeeth Scythe From Vindictus Replacing any halbert of your choice !
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
Pick a weapon of your choice like "LionoTeethToArgentWolfPoleaxe.pak" alternatively you can install all weapons if you wish
-No Base For this mod
LionoTeethToArgentWolfPoleaxe.pak -> Replaces Argent Wolf Poleaxe
LionoTeethToAssassinsSickle.pak -> Replaces Assassin's Sickle
LionoTeethToBardiche.pak -> Replaces Bardiche
LionoTeethToBlackHalbert.pak -> Replaces Black Halbert
LionoTeethToCureleanSpear.pak -> Replaces Curelean Spear (DLC)
LionoTeethToDammerung.pak -> Replaces Dammerung and Garnet Splitter (Io will also use if you use this pack)
LionoTeethToImpaler.pak -> Replaces Impaler
LionoTeethToLostHalbert.pak -> Replaces Lost Bardiche
LionoTeethToObliterator.pak -> Replaces Obliterator
LionoTeethToQueenSlayerHalbert.pak -> Replaces Queen Slayer Halbert
LionoTeethToSunsetHalbert.pak -> Replaces Sunset
-No Patches For This Mod
Credits :
Models provided by "Yuki" on modding Discord
on discord I am known as "Telli#5371"
Code Vein Discord Server: https://discord.gg/codevein
Code Vein Modding Server: https://discord.gg/VvfvWn9
To install, place the .pak file inside .7z into Steam\steamapps\common\CODE VEIN\CodeVein\Content\Paks\~mods
extract .pak file into "~mods" folder if you don't have "~mods" create it inside "Paks" folder and place files inside