- Refine results Found 13 results. 681 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Strengthen the combat power of the original companions.
Instant parry with (C Button) blood veil and have large frames to counter attacks. This mod have 2 versions, 1 will keep active frames but enable instant parry ability, 2nd will give you a big parry window where you can literally go sekiro with it
- 20KB
- 779
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Instant parry with (C Button) blood veil and have large frames to counter attacks. This mod have 2 versions, 1 will keep active frames but enable instant parry ability, 2nd will give you a big parry window where you can literally go sekiro with it
Increase the "Harbinger" BloodCode all attributes bonus to S and S+.
Disables all instances of obnoxious screenshaking caused by swinging heavy swords, hitting stuff, being hit, parries/backstabs, etc.
- 5KB
- 572
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Disables all instances of obnoxious screenshaking caused by swinging heavy swords, hitting stuff, being hit, parries/backstabs, etc.
Allows You to host coop sessions in areas where boss is already defeated.
CodeVein x Elsword~' 3 ')~
Not Weakened LightBullets (Glory 0f Barrage)
Let the game's Light Pipe (ice, fire, thunder, blood) return to the damage of the past (450%)
- 10KB
- 270
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Not Weakened LightBullets (Glory 0f Barrage)
Let the game's Light Pipe (ice, fire, thunder, blood) return to the damage of the past (450%)
Adds new, separate playable level with boss rush arena.Features 17 bosses, collectible trophies and leaderboards.
- 111.8MB
- 194
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Adds new, separate playable level with boss rush arena.Features 17 bosses, collectible trophies and leaderboards.
Why did we get this after we challenged three incomprehensible achievements?Thoroughly strengthen the golden pipe so that it can be used like a normal weapon.
- 2KB
- 156
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Why did we get this after we challenged three incomprehensible achievements?Thoroughly strengthen the golden pipe so that it can be used like a normal weapon.
Different Stats For Alt Color Veils
Veil with different colors have different values.
Replaces visual effect of "Chemical Light" with real glowstick that has shadow casting light and lasts 120 seconds.
- 48KB
- 128
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Replaces visual effect of "Chemical Light" with real glowstick that has shadow casting light and lasts 120 seconds.
Want to play Summoner?This Mod experimentally modifies the game's uexp file. As before, this is a showcase.DLC2's ice turret skill, cooling for 1 second, cost 5.Attach the Mod making tutorial.
- 2KB
- 65
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Want to play Summoner?This Mod experimentally modifies the game's uexp file. As before, this is a showcase.DLC2's ice turret skill, cooling for 1 second, cost 5.Attach the Mod making tutorial.
code vein toggle hud (gameplay)
toggle gameplay hud (not map) on / offdecrease map opacity
- 2.8MB
- 38
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code vein toggle hud (gameplay)
toggle gameplay hud (not map) on / offdecrease map opacity