- Refine results Found 4 results. 691 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Replaces various tracks with custom ones.
Makes the mistle shut up already.
Replaces the 'Companion Defeated' alert sound with silence, unused player character lines, or a meme. You're welcome.
- 725KB
- 102
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Replaces the 'Companion Defeated' alert sound with silence, unused player character lines, or a meme. You're welcome.
Stop the environmental sound effects of the base
When your character is resting, sleeping, or playing the piano, the sound of the wind will always disturb you, right? This mod turns off the wind sound effect in the background.
- 1KB
- 38
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Stop the environmental sound effects of the base
When your character is resting, sleeping, or playing the piano, the sound of the wind will always disturb you, right? This mod turns off the wind sound effect in the background.