Beginners Tutorial: Load Order and BOSS

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A tutorial for beginners explaining Load Order and the BOSS tool. This video covers the following:

1. What 'load order' means.
2. Why it is important.
3. How to use BOSS to help manage your load order.

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  1. Redbeard007
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I used the link above to download the current build of "BOSS" and after the initial installation in its own directory I launched the BOSS GUI and it generated a list of possible games it scans for but only ever found the Skyrim game on this computer and it has several other games this "BOSS" program and the "BOSS GUI" program are supposed to scan and find. I see this is a common occurrence from reading through some of the problems or glitches this program has. As of this date, September 13, 2013, I have not been able to get the "BOSS" or "BOSS GUI" program to find anything but the Skyrim game on my computer.
    I also attempted to try "ModFusion" and had an equally trying time in my failed attempt to make that program work as well.
  2. PrivateJoker
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Cyberlazy, it sounds like modfusion is a better alternative.
  3. Kalessin66
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Gopher, thanks for this tutorial.
    To all beginners: To play mods pleasantly you need to know about load order. This video is the fastest way to learn.
  4. meandmyshadow
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    i love this video it helped me a lot. now i know how to set my mods amd my game is working good. thank you
  5. Cyberlazy
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Except FNVedit error messages are not very user friendly and stop on the first error.

    [00:02] Background Loader: loading "LLO-Partial Patch-CASE.esp"...
    [00:02] Background Loader: [LLO-Partial Patch-CASE.esp] Loading file
    [00:02] Background Loader: [LLO-Partial Patch-CASE.esp] File loaded
    [00:02] Background Loader: [LLO-Partial Patch-CASE.esp] Start processing
    [00:02] Background Loader: [LLO-Partial Patch-CASE.esp] Adding master "FalloutNV.esm"
    [00:02] Background Loader: [LLO-Partial Patch-CASE.esp] Adding master "CASE.esm"
    [00:02] Background Loader: [CASE.esm] Loading file
    [00:02] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.
    The system cannot find the file specified>

    Thats what FNVedit gives when I made a master file disappear. (Case.esm)
    Now lets see what modfusion says.

    Warning: File in plugins.txt does not exist: CASE.esm
    Loading mods (Please wait...)
    Additional processing in progress
    Error: Modfusion.esp is missing master file: CASE.esm
    Error: Modfusion File: Leveled List Organizer\patches\LLO-Partial Patch-CASE.esp requires Master: CASE.esm File not found
    Error: Modfusion File: Leveled List Organizer\patches\LLO-Compatibility Patch-CFWNV.esp requires Master: CASE.esm File not found

    (Removed a few more errors complaining about CASE.esm missing, Any other missing ESM's would be noted as well)
    if instead, I remove a file needed by a non modfusion mod, I would get this:
    Warning: File in plugins.txt does not exist: IWS-Core.esm
    Loading mods (Please wait...)
    Additional processing in progress
    Error: FATAL: File: IWS-Core-Guards.esp Requires master: IWS-Core.esm, Master not found
    Error: FATAL: File: IWS-Core-Patrols.esp Requires master: IWS-Core.esm, Master not found
    Error: FATAL: File: IWS-Core-Civilians.esp Requires master: IWS-Core.esm, Master not found

    Also, theres no user interaction needed. All you have to do is run modfusion and it generates this. It also generates an extensive log to be able to show mod authors, containing all this info and load order. Next version will also check if FONV and NVSE is up to date and alert users if they are not. (Just checking if they are same or higher version then highest known version on modfusion release, No internet connection made)

    (Edit: Sorry this post does not show up well on the news page. It seems it does not display the same as in the forum)
  6. Gopher
    • premium
    • 8,307 kudos
    I use FNVEdit for that
  7. Cyberlazy
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    I noticed at the end you touched on missing masters causing crashes on startup.
    This really needs to be brought to full attention as fallout and other beth games do not give you any error message when this occurs, just a CTD on startup. It seems to be one of the most common errors users report in a mods comments.

    The other thing to take note is mods that require a master that does exists, but is not in your load order WILL be automatically loaded by FONV. This can result in mods you did not enable being loaded. Those mods can also require masters that may not exist.

    On a subnote, my mod installer for fallout new vegas, Modfusion will actually scan all your installed FONV mods and alert you to all files that are missing required masters and tell you what missing masters are needed.