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CashedBandisnoot Kingasta bandicoot143

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About this mod

An accessibility mod created to help players with eyesight issues, dark screens, or anyone just frustrated with crates being too hidden or blending into the background!

Permissions and credits

This is an accessibility mod created to help players with eyesight issues, dark screens, or anyone just frustrated with crates being too hidden or blending into the background.

This Mod:
- Makes all crates have emissive properties to help them be more visible
- Give all Crates outline models to help the stick out form the background
- Makes Flame Crate Change brightness based on whether the flame is active or not
- Increases the size of Arrows on Nitro Bounce Crate
- Slightly ncreases the size of countdown circles on crates, and gave them a black background to make them easier to see
- Makes Hidden Gems slightly larger and brighter

Known Issues:
- TNT Brightness returns to normal after being activated, but will still blink while counting down
- Metal Bounce Crates may sometimes appear to have two arrows
- If you run into any major issues, first make sure you don't have any other crate mods installed. If the issue persists, please notify me in the comments


- Is NOT necessarily compatible with other mods which change crate materials and models
- IS compatible with the N.Hanced completion mod by bandicoot 143

Installation Instructions:
1 - Locate your game installation folder
2 - Locate "Lava\Content\Paks\~mods"
3 - If you do not have a folder called "~mods", create a folder named "~mods" within the "Paks" Folder
4 - Unzip the "Crash IAT Bright Crates Mod" Zip folder
5 - Place the .pak file in the "~mods" folder

Mod Authors & Thanks:
CashedBandisnoot (Main Author)
Kingasta (Provided custom crate files for reference)
bandicoot 143 (Modding Feedback and Assistance)
Thanks to all the artists, animators, and programmers at Toys for Bob and Beenox (They made the game!)

(If you intend to include this mod in a package, or reupload it to others sites, you must ask me and be given my permission before doing so. Just never sell it or lock it behind a paywall, and be sure to give all the mod authors credit. I'm approachable, so don't hesitate to ask questions, it just might take a few days for me to get back to you. Thank you!)