About this mod
Adds patron gods to all religions except the Bearded God
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
The patrons are based on the doctrine of a faith and will work with player made faiths. The patrons for the starting faiths are are listed below:
- The Seven/Bearded God (Faith of the Seven, Warring Star, Servants of the Star, Weirwood of the Seven, Bearded God): Unchanged from vanilla
- The Seven and Baelor (Baelorism): Same as Faith of the Seven, but with Baelor added
- Old Gods (Old Gods): Old Gods of the Streams, Old Gods of the Forests, Old Gods of the Stones, Old Gods of the Dunes, Old Gods of the Tundra
- Old Gods of the Far North/Old Gods of the Vale (Old Gods of Beyond the Wall, Frozen Shore Old Gods, Old Gods of the Vale, Magnaric): Old Gods of the Streams, Old Gods of the Forests, Old Gods of the Stones, Old Gods of the Dunes, Old Gods of the Tundra, Old Gods of the Ice, Old Gods of the Caves
- The Magnars (Magnaric): Old Gods of the Streams, Old Gods of the Forests, Old Gods of the Stones, Old Gods of the Dunes, Old Gods of the Tundra, Old Gods of the Ice, Old Gods of the Caves, The Magnar
- Volantene Rite (Faith of R'hllor, Red God): Blood of R'hllor, Fire of R'hllor, Light of R'hllor, Azor Ahai
- Red God (No Current Faiths): Blood of R'hllor, Fire of R'hllor, Light of R'hllor, Azor Ahai
- Asshai'i Rite (No Current Faiths): Blood of R'hllor, Fire of R'hllor, Light of R'hllor, Shadow of R'hllor, Azor Ahai
- Hyrkooni Rite (No Current Faiths): Blood of R'hllor, Fire of R'hllor, Light of R'hllor, Hyrkoon
- The Drowned God (Drowned God): The Grey King, Nagga, The Mermaid Queen, The Whitestaff
- The Eight of the Ironmen (Faith of the Eight): Same as Faith of the Seven, but with The Drowned God
- The Storm God (Storm God): The Storm God, The Sea God, The Goddess of the Wind
- Lyseni Pantheon/The Prince and the Gods (Weeping Lady, Trios, Princely Arbiter): Bakkalon, Pantera, Saagael, Weeping Lady, Trios, Yndros
- Bronze Gods (Bronze Gods): High God of Bronze, Goddess of Tin, Goddess of Copper
- Waves and Skies (Lady of the Waves): Lady of the Waves, Lord of the Skies)
- Valyrian Pantheon (Gods of Valyria): Belarion, Vhagar, Meraxes, Syrax, Caraxes
- The Others (Cold Gods): The Others