What is Skyrim Anniversary Edition (Skyrim AE)?
Skyrim Anniversary Edition is a re-release of Skyrim celebrating its 10th birthday. It will be released for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on November 11, 2021. The Anniversary Edition includes Skyrim Special Edition as well as 74 Creation Club mods - that is all 48 currently available ones plus 26 new, unreleased mods, adding up to a total of around 500 new gameplay elements.
Skyrim Anniversary Edition (shortened to "Skyrim AE") is not a free upgrade, but every current and future owner of Skyrim SE (Special Edition) - on every platform - will have the option to purchase it. Regardless of whether you've bought Skyrim AE or not, everyone owning Skyrim SE will also receive a free update and access to three free pieces of Creation Club content: Fishing, Survival Mode and even new quests with the Saints and Seducers mini DLC.
“Under the hood” Skyrim Anniversary Edition is the same exact game as Skyrim Special Edition - so, as far as we know - all mods that work for Skyrim SE will also work for Skyrim AE and the other way around. In fact, Skyrim AE will not even be a separate entry in your Steam library but rather act as a patch to Skyrim SE. This is why there will not be a separate game section for Skyrim AE on our site, as Skyrim AE is really just Skyrim SE with Creation Club content added to it. So, if you are a new player looking for Skyrim AE mods, you can simply browse our Skyrim Special Edition section, and our mod manager Vortex will work with Skyrim AE just fine.
The downside
In tandem with the release of Skyrim AE, Skyrim SE will also receive an update including the above mentioned free mini-DLC. While that is great, at the same time - as a side effect of that update - the current version of Skyrim Script Extender will no longer work with the game version and will need to be adapted by its developers.
Skyrim Script Extender (shortened to SKSE) is a requirement for many popular mods, especially for some that came out in the last couple of years (SKSE plugins / native code plugins). As a result, many if not all mods that depend on SKSE will no longer function until SKSE has been updated to work with Skyrim AE. Some examples of mods that may break due to this change include: Sky UI, Race Menu, XPMSSE, True Directional Movement - to name a few. Other mods may even need additional tweaking, so they might not start working again as soon as SKSE is adapted but will require more work from their authors to be compatible with Skyrim AE and the Anniversary Update.
But there is no need to panic: from what we know and expect, this is only going to be temporary disruption to the modding scene, especially until SKSE can be adapted to the update. You also always have the option of backing up your game (as explained below) or even rolling back.
This is no one's fault in particular so please do not message or harass any of the SKSE devs, or anyone at Bethesda. We're certain the SKSE devs are and will be working very hard on adapting the script extender as they have for many, many years now. Thank you for your continued work and best of luck!
Is it the mod apocalypse? Well, not quite.
It is not all doom and gloom as you may have read online. We know that the SKSE devs are talking to Bethesda to find a solution, and while it may take longer than usual for them to update the script extender, the current estimate we’re aware of is that it will still happen relatively soon.
In the days or weeks until SKSE is rewritten to work with the 11 November update, however, you may find that some mods no longer work. In addition to that, it is also possible that some SKSE plugins i.e. mods based on the script extender will need to be rewritten by their authors entirely, meaning they may stop working and won’t magically start working again when the SKSE team have updated to a new version either, as extrwi - one of the SKSE developers - stated on Reddit. While that is definitely unfortunate and a blow to Skyrim SE modding, most SKSE dependent mods should be back in action days or weeks after the 11 November update - so, no, it is not going to be the end of all modding as we know it. To put that into perspective, Cartogriffi, Community Manager at Bethesda, highlighted that SKSE dependent mods might need "more work than usual" to be updated, and that on consoles there is "potential that the next-gen upgrade will require reworking some graphical and performance mods", but that overall, most mods will work fine.
Nonetheless, just to be on the safe side, you might want to backup your SkyrimSE.exe. To be even safer, you may also want to backup several files - or if you have the disk space available - your entire Skyrim SE folder.
List of files to backup on PC to be safe:
- SkyrimSE.exe
- Data/Skyrim.esm
- Data/Update.esm
- Data/Skyrim - Interface.bsa
- Data/Skyrim - Misc.bsa
- Data/Skyrim - Patch.bsa
To help you know what mods are and aren't working - we are keeping a list of popular SKSE plugins that are confirmed working/non-working with the latest version of the game on our modding wiki, which we will be updating as soon as we have access to Skyrim AE and know more.
How can I backup up my EXE / How can I downgrade my game to avoid losing SKSE compatibility?
This only applies to the Steam version of the game. For all other platforms the game version will be updated automatically.
Please note that by staying on or downgrading to SkyrimSE.exe 1.5.97 you are not going to receive the free updates and mini DLC. This option is purely for people who want to ensure SKSE compatibility for the time being until the SKSE dev team can update the script extender. Once you update the game, you will, however, receive the free mini DLC. As we don't have access to Skyrim AE, we cannot guarantee this will work with or without unforeseen side effects. Only attempt this at your own risk.
To avoid having your current mod installation broken until SKSE is updated - assuming you are using SKSE dependent mods - you can simply prevent your game from updating to the latest version for now, and only update when you’re ready or when SKSE and the mods you are using have been updated for compatibility.
Please note that we are not advising you to do this. It is generally considered good practice to keep your games updated. However, if you do not care about the free update and would rather just have all your SKSE dependent mods still working, then this is how to do it:
Back up your SkyrimSE.exe
Before the update comes around, so before 11 November 2021 you can make a copy of “SkyrimSE.exe” located in your Skyrim SE game folder. The default path is typically something like “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition”. You can then use this backup to overwrite the SkyrimSE.exe in your game folder. Please make sure to also set your game to only update when you launch it as described below.
Set your game to only update on launch
1. Go to your Steam Library
2. Right-Click Skyrim Special Edition and select "Properties..."
3. In the left hand menu, go "Updates"
4. Under "Automatic Updates" select the option "Only update this game when I launch it"

Once that is done, make sure to only launch Skyrim SE via your mod manager or via the SKSE loader - "skse64_loader.exe". When you launch the game via the loader, please make sure that Steam is already running (if it isn't, running the loader will start up Steam and then run the game as normal, which is not what you want). That way, your game is not going to be auto-updated. If you do wish to update eventually, simply run the game through Steam to initiate the upgrade process.
Downgrading to an earlier game version, if you've already updated
While we tested this when the article was released, this, unfortunately, no longer appears to be an option, at least not directly via Steam.
To do so:
1. Press your Windows key + R
2. Type "steam://open/console" (without the quotation marks) in the input field and press Enter

4. Navigate to the Steam console and type in "download_depot 489830 489833 2289561010626853674", without the quotation marks and hit Enter
5. This will download SkyrimSE.exe version 1.5.97 to the folder specified in the download completion message.

7. Make sure to now set your game to only update when you launch it as described above.
And that's it, this way you will stay on the current version of the game and ensure compatibility with SKSE dependent mods - at least for the time being and according to what we know at this point.
With that said, we're all looking forward to the release of Skyrim Anniversary Edition with hopefully many new players discovering the magic of a fully modded game, and veterans of old returning once more to Skyrim.
Will you be returning once again? Let us know in the comments below!
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A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingok, not my experience, but you know best it appears. Smiles
nexus will "not add a new category" because "it is the same thing" except all the mods running on SKSE will become outdated and require an update
and from then on all the mods that worked fine on old SE will be incompatible with "new SE" and unless mod authors double the work they put in some users are getting locked out of using new versions of those mods
and all of this for the sake of... some crappy kreation klub mods that are not only worse than the mods we already have but also cost money on top of that
celebrate skyrim anniversary by handing beth your money yet again and be rewarded with mod incompatibilities! yey!
this is disgusting and toxic. anyone who rewards this behaviour with cash is directly responsible for all the future abuse modders will receive from beth
fixing their game wasnt enough. patching it wasnt enough. adding endless content wasnt enough.
their greed.demands.fresh.sacrifice.
(obedient little slaves paying three times for literally the same thing are also acceptable)
Just to give you something to think about, though: the issues we are going to have with SKSE mods have nothing to do with the CC content or the new edition of the game.
and remember, tod loves you....r money
Seriously, are you just stupid or too busy complaining to think for ten seconds?
The compiler update is going to SSE, while AE is just a CC bundle.
A. An upgrade to the console versions to make new versions for the PS5 and Series X/S that will remove limitations placed on the PS4 and Xbone versions and make better use of the more powerful machines.
B. An update to the compiler to provide proper compatibility with Gamepass and the consoles.
C. A small free content package and a larger paid content package to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Skyrim's original release (and to add more content to the game to drive future sales on what is becoming an old game).
A and B both needed to happen, but if they were not happening so close to the tenth anniversary then Bethesda would not have lumped them all together as the "Anniversary Edition" in order to generate more press. That they are treated as a single event is nothing more than a promotional stunt. Well, that and it probably saves them some money to only release a single update containing all three things rather than separate items.
Blaming the CC compilation for the compiler change makes no sense because it would have happened anyway. It just happened with Fallout 3 and there is no Anniversary Edition or Creation Club content for that game. It makes no more sense than blaming the console update on the CC compilation.
Hopefully, the contacts at Bethesda will give the Silverlock team and the Nexus staff a heads up in advance, but if you hear about an update for Series X/PS5, I'd back up my Fallout 4 install if I were you.
For it is all that I have.
Talos is only taking care of his own and seeking new followers, but of course you'd seek to deny him that now won't you, Mephala. If people start using their head, instead of listening to your lies and deceit, they'd notice this is not some mad, random favor from Sheogorath. If they already follow Talos, why would they pay they're dues all over again. It's not as though the Thalmor is forcing them to and threatening them with beheading if they don't.
All that has happened, for now, is that the Thalmor are collecting the taxes now instead of the Yarl's and for that to happen, goods that you'd Want to purchase, has to be done through their market, so there's some disruption in the road network.
LIKE this -----> "Hey folks ... we want to suck up your money ... so ... there for we have to change
(crush)the old compiler for a new and better one,for establishing gamepass(s#*!)! AND ... sry for the NEXUS comunity ... YOU are the next ... we suck away !!!"
Finally ... they want to moneytize the MODDING community! ... Would be nice to overwatch ...
Just offhand, may just consider that everyone ( as in Bethesda dev's ) is ten to one using the new compiler for newer projects by now and it only makes practical sense to recompile TES with it due to one, it being accessible as opposed to having to run a separate build machine just to build that one .exe, and two, there's reasons why compilers and library's get updated, both efficiency and stability wise as well as getting rid of any potential exploits in the code that could pose a security risk, in general.
Not "defending", just offering a different point of view as there is very little reason for them to do things just to "screw with their end users".
And it should not have any great impact on your mod list. SKSE updates and mods that use SKSE script extensions begin working again. Then you just need to wait for the DLL mods to update, which might take a bit of time, yes.
That's why people have spent weeks telling everyone to back up their game.
And this "buy the game again" stuff is just utter nonsense. It's a bald-faced lie. Nobody who owns the game has any incentive to buy it again. They just buy the content pack if they want it.
Arhaba don't insult the player base. If you don't like paying for it then don't pay for it. Please stop reporting people that disagree with your opinion.
Wrong, not like everyone else. People who didn't bought the DLCs for Classic Skyrim, had to pay for Skyrim SE.
lmfao af! Get the hell outta here!
That's why I never updated past LE, no headache needed ever from SE or AE.
You keep buying their broken games, and you're gunna wind up with broken game issues.
The only updates have been to add access to paid mods which in turn constantly invalidate the game.
There have no bug fixes outside of a few that CC its self caused.
So no they haven't continually supported the game WE have.
And now their throwing us the bird yet again.
Fact of the matter is that the modding community is what has kept this game relevant.
Yea, but who could resist FISHING for chrissakes?!?!
The next Elder Scrolls game is still over 5 years away.
Just my latest conspiracy theory, make of it what you will.
Anyway, these numbers do not appear to support the theory that Bethesda intends "to destroy the safe house that is Skyrim."
Edit: Regarding the subject title about money, if we allow upgrade we get some free CC content included. Its up to us whether we buy the DLC for AE. I have never known a DLC that doesn't cost money, The AE upgrade is free, so why the money issue..
Love you modders, you breathe new life into the game and allow us all to customize it for our own tastes, to a great degree. Some of you should be working for Bethesda.
LE runs smoother and has far better color depth. Higher fps and I don't have to constantly jump thru hoops just to keep the damned thing running.
SE & AE are absolutely cursed.