Cyberpunk 2077
V's new fav hairstyle - The ReVengeance

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  1. deleted11220293
    • account closed
    • 169 kudos
    I love love love the background colors in the first picture!! is that in game? Ur character is so amazing :)
    1. Snezko
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Ty ^^

      Yeah, it's in one of the "tubes" where the train goes above the street ^^ it changes between the color you see on screenshot & another one, but i like the purple so i keep taking screenies when purple pops up.

      Edit: couldn't show earlier, but here's a screenshot now (Where the cursor is) you should be able to find a straight leading up to the passage crossing the street, climb on top of it & then walk to where the passage is under the tube & you'll see an opening where you can jump up & climb into the tube (or "freefly" into it with one of the mods XD)