Cyberpunk 2077
Way Too Much Orange

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  1. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Yup, been having a lot of fun the past few weeks.  The vehicle handling hasn't bothered me like it seems to most folks, all games have their learning curve and when I figure out how it works and play to that there's no problem.

    There are indeed many events/items/aspects of the game that expose a lot of cut paths or features and MANY things that bely there was a LOT of balancing work that needed to be done before release.  My biggest gripe is that items are "fixed" when you find/craft them, so if you craft a legendary iconic at (for example) crafting level 15 without all the best perks, you'll never get the benefit of those perks once you add them or when you max out the crafting skill.  This forces the player to decide if they actually "need" the upgrade on items that are consumed in the crafting or if they can afford to wait until stuff is maxed.

    The funny thing is that the above doesn't apply to quest items, like Johnny's clothes, so you can have umpteen copies of upgraded versions in your inventory that you CANNOT drop so they take up carry weight.  This encourages players to save before crafting legendary versions and savescum to get the version with the most mod slots without added inventory bloat.

    Lastly, there are no scaling procedurally generated events (General, another settlement needs our help!) so once the player levels past a certain point, the sort of "difficulty" rating of events force them to provide less experience than if they had been finished at lower levels, thus lowering the amount of XP the player can gain during the game.

    But yeah, the story and acting overcome all those shortcomings for me and I've been having a blast.  Updates and modding have the potential to fix some of the game's shortcomings.  Here's to hoping for more customization once the game has started.

    Happy new year, Dave!
  2. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    The rage about the game comes from the consoles, which performed atrociously. Not only that, but the company tried to hide it.

    For PC the game runs fairly well, and few have criticized it. 
  3. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    SWAT team got you, huh. Sounds real to life. Least it was in a game. This seems like a fair report on the game. I notice there is a crafting catagory for mods so the clothes issues will get worked on as well as the overall color theme. I see a few posts about capture issues and reshade also.
    Happy Holidays
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Haven't seen you around for a while.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Dave. 
  5. JoeBlow90
    • member
    • 43 kudos
    how i feel for you choom...
  6. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Oh yeah, much better outfit. More like a wasteland adventurer than a harlequin monkey. Urban tactical, I suppose I should say. Funny about shooting the concrete. The taxpayer's paid for that concrete, I'll have you know. Gangers? Meh, good riddance.