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This user's image description contains 18 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Vermi77
    • supporter
    • 831 kudos
    Those six-wheel coupes are the definition of unnecessary but beautiful
    Classy ride and great set
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Lmao that's exactly my thoughts every time I see it but still totally worth it.
      Thank you so much, Yahya :)
  2. Alenzar1
    • supporter
    • 109 kudos
    Memories of the Vagos in los santos have COME! I was truly hyping by this set and it was epic. That car is extremely cool and badass with the artwork on the door! Amazing set, bro!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Everything about this gang reminds me of the Vagos and that artwork on the car is so well designed, it's a unique car you can only win in a fight.
      Thank you so much dear bro :)
  3. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 938 kudos
    Ohhh finally the lowrider! This set is beyond amazing, bro! The pic is a frame of the movement but you can perfectly capture the movement of the cars!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      I should have taken some blooper shots to show all the strange things that happened while moving the car lmao.
      Thank you so much for the kind words dear sis :)
  4. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    Nice work Moe!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      I appreciate that my friend, thank you so much :)
  5. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    The car is phenomenal, what a great set Moe, you think the yakuza has made its way into Cyberpunk.
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      This car is one of my fav designs out of all them.
      Thank you so much my friend :)
  6. Blass1912
    • supporter
    • 125 kudos

    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Lovely picture my friend, thank you so much :)
  7. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 185 kudos

    Awesome wheels my man, great set Moe, go low, and you never know........!!!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Might have to use that classic song if I ever make a part 2 to this set lol .
      Thank you so much my man :)
  8. Banshee2077
    • supporter
    • 157 kudos
    Hehe, this is amazing start to finish! Brilliant ideas!
    Insane work my friend! : )

    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      This is an idea I had been sitting on for a good while and finally was able to make it with Viper because this is very much his style.
      Thank you so much for the kind words my friend :)
  9. Karna5
    • premium
    • 325 kudos
    I adore your CP77 shots. They're friggin wonderful!

    On a side note about that video, it's not only very well done, but it's also wonderful. I love the reverse nod at the 2:02 mark, something I've rarely seen depicted in art but which is a familiar gesture among tough guys. I also love that most if not all the people in the video are tiny but are a whole community of pride and confidence. So often in art toughness and confidence are associated with size and strength, but in the video it's all heart which is really the only thing that counts.

    Superb photography and photos, my friend :)
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      I agree with all of your thoughts about the clip and it's one of many reasons I keep going back to it and love it so much, it was the inspiration for the set and what I tried to capture using the Valentinos. Heart is often overlooked in this type of art and usually they just try to show size and strength of an individual rather than the pride, confidence and heart of the whole community.

      I really can't say thank you enough for saying that my friend, I really appreciate it :)
  10. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    Beautimas shots.
    The Low Rider, is alittle higher...
    Take a little trip...    "War"
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      This set was so much fun to make, I had to try and make it look like it was bouncing using mods a shame they didn't add that in game.
      Thank you so much NM :)