Cyberpunk 2077
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  1. ThisMalkavian
    • premium
    • 117 kudos
    What kind of work he does on net? Hacking waitress brain?;-)
    p.c. nice char wolfman)
    1. Heresthewolfman
      • supporter
      • 44 kudos
      Probably hacking into the cameras of some place across the street. The target is in their office on a video conference when they suddenly feel compelled to take the pistol out of their desk drawer.

      Another gunshot joins the cacaphony of city-music as the datapad slides back into its carrying case.
    2. ThisMalkavian
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      That's how! What a sophisticated approach ... I like it)
    3. Heresthewolfman
      • supporter
      • 44 kudos
      The main reason I was playing Nomad Netrunner is because I thought it would be badass to "fight" from the vehicle at a safe distance using quickhacks, and it's mostly Nomad rigs that have CrystalDome technology (armor with a projected "window"). Unfortunately the camera is a little restrictive from the car, but that's no problem if there are cameras online.