Cyberpunk 2077

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  1. Heresthewolfman
    • supporter
    • 44 kudos
    I don't recognize the tattoos. Are they custom?

    ALSO: Preem jacket, choom. It took me awhile for the Ded Zed logo on the back to grow on me when I came across it, but now I think it's comically appropriate for V - a Z that's back from the dead like V did + the head wound
    1. ThisMalkavian
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      Hey choom, thank you! Yes, the tattoos are custom, I'm trying to do something unique. The same applies to the Preem jacket, I want to bring everything to a single material of black worn leather with decals of skulls and a metal chain on the pants. I have to say that modding Cyberpunk is a pain in the ass...)))
  2. FeralHermit
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    The Prodigy? based af. I made a playlist for my V, it has a ton of their songs in it. 

    also great character design, 10/10
    1. ThisMalkavian
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      Thank you!)) Not many people will endorse this kind of aesthetics...
      Good idea about Prodigy in Night City! By the way, can you tell me a guide on how to replace the tracklist on a vanilla radio station with your own?