Cyberpunk 2077

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  1. ThisMalkavian
    • premium
    • 117 kudos
    So... demons has come...

    Nice works wolfman!
    1. Heresthewolfman
      • supporter
      • 44 kudos
      We were without power for several days following a hurricane, so the moment I got Cyberpunk booted up I needed to blast faces - sorry, corpo choom and NCPD officers
    2. ThisMalkavian
      • premium
      • 117 kudos
      Haha, you are good wolfman!) 
      I've never seen hurricanes, but we have a war)

      ...sorry, just a little black humor from me) I hope you are doing well!
    3. Heresthewolfman
      • supporter
      • 44 kudos
      I don't want to seem bleak but the outage was spilled milk compared to some of the f***ed up stuff going on in the world right now. There is a lot of damage and it seems like the majority is still without power, so even in terms of this storm's local effect I am able to count my blessings. I have a family friend who was evacuated from her apartment because the roof was blown off, meaning she's couch surfing for at least two months, potentially until she finds a new apartment given the state of her current building. From a neighbouring province there was footage of a coastal home taken into the ocean by storm surges.

      I'm forever thankful I live where I live, though - biggest threat around here is the gradually rising sea level and the occasional "unprecendented" hurricane.
  2. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    You got such a killer character man. You look at this guy and you know you don't f*#@ around with him, and that's from a Corpo and Streetkid perspective. 

    How are you capturing those combat shots? Usually when I try to take screenies with my weapon out I just T-pose.
    1. Heresthewolfman
      • supporter
      • 44 kudos
      Do you have any pose mods installed? Sounds like what would happen to my unmodded poses (whatever remaining poses were not touched by the mod) when I had one installed

      Thank you very much, I'm taking a lot of cues from the in-game fashion and I'm always a little obsessive with creating my wardrobe/character in general.