8ack to the 80's

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  1. stevenG79
    • member
    • 102 kudos
    Really love your work, looks great & inspiring. (Though I cannot reach your level.) lol
    1. grindera1985
      • supporter
      • 72 kudos
      Thank you so much! <3
      Just practice, practice and practice, I really have no secret knowledge or whatsoever, haha! ^^
    2. stevenG79
      • member
      • 102 kudos
      You're most welcome. =) Honor is mine
      I guess everybody got their styles, there's no real right or wrong. The more we see certain people's work, the more we can recognise their styles. I can usually tell by the shots on Nexus here & know who's masterpiece is that, of course not all but half of the time, you can tell by the style. Example yours.
      As for me, still got a lot to learn, of course, but then again, I think that's the fun part. =)
    3. grindera1985
      • supporter
      • 72 kudos
      That's absolutely true and a lot of people have really unique styles that are indeed recognizable immediately.
      Keep it up and I'm sure you got it! ^^
      What matters the most is that you're having fun while doing anything, from taking photos to modding or anything else!