Madison Aspen

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  1. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 311 kudos
    I knew what song it was by the thumbnail before I even read the title lol, good marketing I guess :p
    Love the vibe of this set, her outfit is fun and hawt ^-^
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Haha it's one of those unforgettable and their marketing thru it all was on point πŸ˜›
      She was having a nice bit of fun while playing the jam πŸ˜‰
      Thanks so much man 😊
  2. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,133 kudos
    Looking sweet Moe :))
    That's quite the gun power she has ,)
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Haha what can I say she loves her guns πŸ˜‰
      Thanks so much, Izzy  😊
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Love the hoops and sunnies, dahling.
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      LOL Thanks so much bro 😊
  4. arghTease
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      LOL! πŸ˜‚

  5. Khermiit
    • supporter
    • 76 kudos

    Worth it!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      LMAO! 🀣

  6. Vermi77
    • premium
    • 813 kudos

    Oh this look...
    A stunning set with a wonderful selection of poses and expressions! And the outfit's simple yet effective.
    Always nice to see a CP77 set from you, man
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos

      With all these awesome new expressions now available there's them looks that say it all without saying a word ο»ΏπŸ˜‰
      When I explained the set she just threw this together and insisted on it for the set lol πŸ˜›
      Really glad ya enjoyed it, thanks so much bro 😁
  7. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 743 kudos
    The color of the background is just WOW love it so much, bro! Madison is always pure beauty, sexyness and attitude! I think the song was perfect to match the set!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      I'm really glad ya felt that way because I had to have the background like that because the inspiration for the set came from the song and I wanted something similar. That was mostly her because she let the song take over and just started posing lol πŸ˜›
      Thank you so much for the kind words dear sis 😁
  8. Olympus2917
    • premium
    • 206 kudos
    Sexy, lethal and dangerous!
    Love the way she looks slightly over her glasses!
    She is absolutely stunning bro!!!
    And how did you remember this song? Heheh!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Just the right mix that I feel best describes Madison πŸ˜‰
      Oh she's just taking a glance to make sure your watching in a not so subtle way lol πŸ˜›
      Haha A jam like this is not so easily forgotten πŸ˜‰
      Thanks so much for taking the time dear bro 😁
  9. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 184 kudos
    I have uninstalled the game until I build a better machine, I will purchase Phantom Liberty DLC, and sit the game and expansion on the backburner bro.
    Once I have built a "Dangerous" pc (RTX 4070ti, i9 whatever the best CPU is, and at least a 850watt PSU and 32gig of super sick gaming memory!)
    then I will re install, and play the game at its fullest!!

    I like these screens bro, she is indeed a hot lady with some hot guns, love the fiery backdrop, and great earrings too!! 
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Sorry to hear that bro but man am I excited for the Phantom Liberty DLC. Happy to hear about your Dangerous rig ya got in the works and excited for ya to jump back in NC to enjoy it at it's fullest.

      Thanks so much bro, really appreciate you saying that 😊
  10. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    hot lady with hot guns, what more could you want. Super Set Moe.
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      I couldn't agree more πŸ˜‰
      Thank you so much my friend 😊