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Another day, another eddy.
I woke up on a rooftop in Watson, feeling like a dumpster fire. The sun was too bright, the air was too smoggy, and my netrunner suit was too damaged. I don't remember much from last night, except that I had a blast with some choombas from the Maelstrom gang. They were crazy, but fun. And very generous as well. They left me a nice tip on my credchip, along with a bullet wound on my leg. I guess that was their way of saying thank you. I patched myself up with some meds and bandages I found in an old exhaust vent.
Then I checked my phone for any messages. Dex called and left me a message on my holo. He had a job for me. Something big. Something that involved a mysterious spooky chip his client is after. I didn't know what it was exactly, but I knew it was dangerous. And lucrative. And that's all I needed to know. Before putting my phone away, a 54 News drone hovered above me, I flashed it a quick sign!
I picked up my cyberdeck, strapped on my body armor, and headed to the nearest streetcar.
Konpeki Plaza; here I come.