Cyberpunk 2077
Reflection and rumination

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  1. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Sometimes you must realize that your friends are moving in a different direction that you are. Or maybe in a direction which you do like. It's a loss. But once the wound is healed to become a mere scar you might find out you're better off now than if you had proceded down the same path. Very well written. And I most certainly DO like the pictures.
    On another note - I really like her take on cars. Nothing like a junker nobdy wants to steal but which works every time you push the button. And makes short work of all of the gleaming custom jobs
    Yet another - not so happy- note: The first few lines are very reminiscent of what's going on not far from our place. A test center for windturbines wants to expand. Adding another two test sites for 450 meters (500 yards) tall windturbines. If they get what they want - which is very likely considering our government's stance- a village has to go. Holiday houses, the church, houses, homesteads - everything  
    1. etholas
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      Firstly, thank you. :)
      I agree. Being self-contained if you will, or being able to exist independently of others (not that I'm saying that having friends and cultivating meaningful relationships are mutually exclusive) can be a source of great peace and equilibrium. It means that having friends and good people in your life are a wonderful benefit, but not necessary for your own well-being, in that you can happily exist without them, just as easily as you can include them.
      Secondly, I sympathise and understand exactly what you mean when you talk about the situation with the wind turbines. It's happened again and again and will continue to do so, all in the name of progress etc. It's unjust, unfair and always happens to require 'ordinary' people to sacrifice for the 'greater good' when those in power and positions of privilege never seem to make the same sacrifices or have the same commitment that's expected of the 'common man'.
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Despite the loss, I guess she finds some peace visiting the lake. Sometimes it's best to move on from old "friends."
    1. etholas
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      I think it's a journey we all have to undertake at some point in our lives, to a greater or lesser degree. In Valerie's case she stopped trying to define herself by serving or helping others, or by being the most famous merc in NC. Having found inner peace and meaning she wasn't dependent on others for validation. In my playthrough Valerie was motivated by a desire to help others and be a force for good rather than by greed or the desire for fame. Nonetheless it's still possible to fall into the trap of trying to define yourself in an 'unhealthy way', in that you're dependent on others for validation and creating value and meaning in your life.
      The lake holds fond memories for her, despite the fact that Judy is no longer in Night City. Judy having moved on didn't diminish the pleasure Valerie felt at reliving those moments while staring out over the lake.
      It's similar to what Vik said about no longer caring about fame and fortune in Night City and being at peace, and being happy in the moment, without allowing those extraneous factors to detract from or destroy that peace and happiness. I suppose it's about defining success and happiness in your own terms rather than letting others define them for you.

      Just an aside, regarding character appearance, Valerie looks the way she does thanks to the mods I suggested to you. As you can see her complexion is clear and free of blemishes etc. Consequently she looks quite presentable in her own minimalistic way.