Cyberpunk 2077
Start as you mean to go on

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Race 2 can be described in one word: BOOIIINNNG

Not a fan of race 2. You spend 70 - 80% of the time in the air. Meaning no control when a rocky outcrop is hurtling towards you. At least Claire named the thing correctly, although how something that weighs probably tonnes flies through the air that much is beyond me. At least I got a good screenie.

1 comment

  1. pandasteakburger
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    I think it's fair to say that race 2 is utterly ridiculous. I was hoping that CDPR would do something about it with the 2.0 update but, alas, no cigar. I have no idea how Claire and the Beast survive all that punishment, because I'm usually ready to call it a day even before the driving flying starts.