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This user's image description contains 29 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Bkz119
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    firstly great photo, it was epic
    I would like to know please, which hair mod and headband are you using? If you can tell me, I would be grateful
    1. RogueCyborg
      • supporter
      • 400 kudos
      Thank you for the endorsement!

      Mid Length Pack - Alt Bangs

      Head Band
  2. NelaWitch
    • member
    • 77 kudos
    Impreza się rozkręca. Coraz więcej pustych flaszek wokół ogniska
    Moja ulubienica Pan też widzę nie lubi poniedziałku. 
    1. RogueCyborg
      • supporter
      • 400 kudos
      Brakuje mi takich imprez nad Odrą, ale już niedługo... 🔥

      Na tym screenie generalnie Panam się uśmiecha 😅
      Fajny mod, wchodzisz do byle pubu i zapraszasz znajomego 🍻
    2. NelaWitch
      • member
      • 77 kudos
      Wiesz.... jak osuszę kilka Mai Tai też się tak uśmiecham - niezależnie od sytuacji.
    3. RogueCyborg
      • supporter
      • 400 kudos
  3. Olympus2917
    • premium
    • 205 kudos
    I dare say that i like your CP Rachel a bit more than your FO4 one!
    Great captures of her bro!
    1. RogueCyborg
      • supporter
      • 400 kudos
      The feeling is mutual - and you shouldn't feel uncertain with that 😎

      Rachel is in her place, and I'm happy of that, seems like she just needed to wait few years for this, wrap few things up first - time worth waiting 🏜️🏍️

      Thank you very much, brother 🤘
  4. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 66 kudos
    Was doing a slow scroll and when the guitar solo came up, so did the shot of her actually playing it. Timing was perfect for me and gave me chills of serious coolness.

    To say this set rocked, is an understatement. Still I hold no standards for your work but they are always impactful in some way and are always enjoyable.
    1. RogueCyborg
      • supporter
      • 400 kudos
      I'm always glad you find my music background matching and enjoyable 😁

      I try to be original, but, well, Rachel/Bike/Desert theme comes back in my works - cause it's great 🏜️

  5. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    Damn!! Racheal is on fire! Very cool set Bart, love the bike shots. See what I did there
    1. RogueCyborg
      • supporter
      • 400 kudos
      Always 🔥

      Thanks a lot, Rob!

      Bike shots take, and will take atleast half of her sets 🙃
  6. stevenG79
    • member
    • 57 kudos
    Nice.... 👍
    I'll be the bike. 😁
    1. kimiyo00
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Hey!That's what I want to say, you stole my line!
    2. RogueCyborg
      • supporter
      • 400 kudos
      Get in line then

      Thank you!!!
    3. stevenG79
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Yeah... Get in line. 🤣
      Kimiyo00, get behind me. 😄
    4. kimiyo00
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      OK, ok, I will get in line 😁😃