Cyberpunk 2077

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Let's see some more Cyber slang.

    shard -- a memory device, kind of like a thumb drive, that you insert into your head and can read the data directly in a visual HUD of the mind.
    delta -- leave, go, move on, scoot, boogie, beat feet, skedaddle, scram, lay down some tracks, hit the road. Best guess is that it's like the delta symbol in mathematics and physics meaning a change in the subject variable. Like Δx meaning the change in the variable x. So delta in CP presumably means a change in location.
  2. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    So. Came for your classy screenshots. Stayed for the laid back soundtrack...

    Up north, for us, the allergy season hasn't started yet. Hope you hack yourself out of it!

    Also. Damn you. Now I want to open that gift bottle of scotch...      
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Classy screenshots -- thank you, sir. I never have drunk a lot of single malt or high end Scotch, so a bottle of JW Black is a rare treat for me.
  3. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Sounds like a bad case of Beth-Patches....... Though I don't know the game. But I've seen a few comments about patches no better than the FO4 ones. No matter the underlying case, this was kind of sad and moving. And well done - as always
    Pollen allergy is no fun for sure. But we've seen the desert flowers once. And we surely DO miss seeing them again
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      The Projekt Red patches are equally disruptive as Bethesda's. But no one has ever topped the time that all of our old save files were no longer compatible with the new version of FO4. Unforgivable sin by Beth Soft. I went ahead and loaded the latest patch for CP77 this morning. I had encountered a bug in fast travel last night. It was repeatable and not going away. I thought maybe the new patch would fix it. Nope, still there. Fortunately, it only happens at one fast travel "kiosk" -- so far.
      Yes, at our house the bushes are all in bloom with the aloe to follow, then the brittle bush and desert marigolds, then the most spectacular of all the palo verde trees. The cherry blossoms in D.C. may get all the press coverage and fame, but there is no comparison.
      As you probably know, I like to walk by a scene in the game and wonder what happened, why are they there, what are they thinking. Then write a little story about it.
      Air travel has only gotten worse in recent years, and I hear that from many seasoned travelers. Not just the invasive check points, but what happens in the aircraft. I've flown 2 million miles, but never again. That said, we would certainly welcome a visit from you again any time.
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    The Moo Yang reminds me of crispy squirrel bits from Fallout.   Hopefully, it tastes better.

    Patches are the bane of gamers' lives especially when they are modding games that don't have modding support from the devs (yet).  On one hand, it's gratifying to see that certain studios (unlike other devs who can't be bothered--won't mention any names here) are Johnny-on-the-spot responsive to bugs, on the other hand it's a real pain when things get broken in the process.

    We do get attached to our chars, don't we?
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Yeah, squirrel bits. There was something else on a stick like shish kebab going back to FO2 that I can't remember. Maybe it was iguana on a stick. Moo Yang.
      Unfortunately we live and die by our love for mods. Seems to be the game publishers are missing a lucrative market there.  "Mods aren't for everyone, but if you're a gamer who loves them, why not get your OP pistol from the guy who wrote the code for all pistols. Guaranteed to work. And yeah, we know how to make out mods work for every patch and update." Just saying.
      Sooo true about our beloved characters, seems I've heard of a pair called Raven and Brody.
  5. Karna5
    • premium
    • 294 kudos
    Gorgeous shots! :)
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
  6. etholas
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    Thought for the day: 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' Also, 'If it doesn't need patching, don't.'
    I typically wait before adopting a new patch and often just ignore them until it's absolutely necessary. My Fallout 4 hasn't been updated in years and it's just fine.
    Superb, mellow guitars too. Very smooth and easy listening. Just like a fine whisky.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Yep, CP77has been buggy since the beginning. But by the time of v 2.0 it was in pretty good shape. As  you say leave well enough alone. Consarn it though, if they haven't patch it 3 times since December. That breaks the primary mods, the building block mods, but fortunately there are some good guys here who get new versions out immediately. I'm still playing the older version. It's fine, maybe a few glitches, but you see that in every complex game.

      Speakin' of whisky -- I haven't had a drop all day, daggum it. My father-in-law treated me to a big bottle of JW Black the other day. I'm in hog heaven. And don't ask me why I started talking and cursing like a country boy. It just comes out sometimes.
    2. etholas
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      Heh. Maybe it's genetic memory.
      Besides country folk are some of the best salt-of-the-earth people you'll ever meet. Much more wholesome than city slickers.
  7. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    Love your ability to drag us (me for sure) into the story like were actually there, everything you write in these posts seem so effortless & natural. That comment of missing Nuka World made me laugh.

    Awesome stuff
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed this little vignette.
    2. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 103 kudos
      what blu said!  Nice set, Laird!
    3. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thanks, eggman.
  8. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Love the captured scenes and narrative :)
    The bit about the pigeons gave me a chuckle :D
    I liked the music too .)
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the "pigeons." I listen mainly to easy listening music or cool jazz. These guys, and I think they are really brothers (hermanos), play some really good pieces. There is too much heavy metal in CP, so I turn that off and listen to my own music most of the time, like Hermanos Gutierrez.
  9. RogueCyborg
    • supporter
    • 381 kudos
    Heh heh, nice shots and thoughts ✨👌😅

    Yup, I have both my F4 and CP backed up entirely,
    just in case.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thanks. I was thinking about how I missed my previous V and ran with the idea of missing something as a theme.

      I'm still playing v. 2.1.  I noticed that the download for 2.12 is 17GB, so a lot of stuff.
    2. RogueCyborg
      • supporter
      • 381 kudos
      As I read, only bug issue fixes, no new game features, so I'll look into 2.12 if I experience any bugs.
  10. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    At least you're not constantly being pestered about another settlement needing help, nuclear winters, or jet making you jittery.  Of course, you also brought up Fallout 2, so we could always consult Grampy Bone as well.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      LOL. Yep, all that's true. Fortunately, none of that is in CP77, but there are new drugs (lots on the street). My V just took a couple of hits of "Deep Dive," a drug that allows you to re-live, and actually participate in, the memory of another to experience some important occurrence in his life. Pretty intense, you're actually in the scene of his memory living it like you were there with the truck crashing and the enemy shooting at you. In V's case, the drug induced experience allowed him to understand the background for the job he was being hired to do.

      Grampy Bone -- that's a good one. "Now Grampy Bone, he be da closest one to me, so he talk da loudest all de time. He say, You stay far away from dat Night City. Dere be b-a-a-d juju in dat place. And most especially dem Voodoo Boys. Dey slice you throat jes for lookin' sideways at dem." 

      Speaking of missing people. It's so good to hear you commenting once again.
  11. VoDovahKiin
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    Yep, the mind tends to wander when one's hor.. err umm hungry 😜😂
    Cool set man 😁
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      The bordello in Fallout 2, the Cat's Paw, had a slogan something like: When you get that urge that you just can't scratch -- the Cat's Paw.
