About this mod
Lets you set up to 5 Quickhack loadouts for your Cyberdeck with an easy to use interface in the cyberdeck equip menu. Give each loadout a custom name; save and load loadouts at any time.
Optional file lets you equip loadouts with hotkeys at any time during gameplay.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

There are 5 loadout slots. You can rename the title of each slot by clicking on the title and typing with a keyboard. You can't edit the text with a gamepad, but otherwise the mod works fine with gamepad.
When you click the "Save" button, the currently equipped quickhacks are saved to that loadout, and the current name of the loadout is saved. If you save while there are no loadouts equipped, an empty loadout is saved. Saved loadouts can be overwritten, including with an empty loadout.
When you click the "Load" button, the quickhacks stored in that loadout are equipped. If there are no quickhacks stored in the loadout, then the Load button will be disabled. When you hover over a Load button, a tooltip displays the quickhacks in the loadout.

Note on loot notifications: It's normal to see multiple looting notifications in the bottom right corner as quickhacks are equipped and unequipped. They leave
your inventory when they go on the cyberdeck. This happens in the unmodded game, just one at a time.
Note on order: It isn't possible to reorder the quickhacks to always be in the same order when swapping loadouts. Just has to do with the way swapping, equipping, and unequipping those slots is implemented by the game. Could be done with some other compromises I don't want to do. So if you need Ping to always be the first quickhack, for instance (using Quickhacks sort by slot), just make sure that Ping is in the first slot in all of your loadouts. Alternatively, you can Clear all the quickhacks and then Load, which will then maintain order.
Clearing quickhacks
The "Unequip All" button removes all currently equipped quickhacks.
Optional File: Loadout Hotkeys
There is an optional file that adds CET-based hotkeys that let you switch your loadouts at any time, even in the middle of combat. I did this as an optional file because I feel it's kind of cheating, as it mostly defeats the purpose of having different slot limits in different cyberdecks. The game does let you swap quickhacks at any time though through the inventory. So it's there if you want to use it.

- IMPORTANT: This mod has multiple dependencies (see requirements section above!)
- To install this mod, extract the zip file into the Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder.
- Thanks to the authors of all required mods
- Thanks to all maintainers of and contributors to Wolvenkit
Check out my other mods:
- Stealthrunner - Stealth Gameplay Expansion
- Custom Quickslots for Consumables and Cyberware Abilities
- Weathermancer - Weather Select Menu
- Lifepath Bonuses and Gang/Corp Traits
- AI Netrunners Enhanced (probably won't be updated for 2.0)
- Lynx Paws Reimagined (not sure yet if I will update for 2.0)
- Damage Scaling and Balance (Formerly Level Scaling)
- Simple XP Multiplier
- Silent Silencers and Throwing Knives
- Challenging Breach Minigame
- Convo Skill Check Scaling
- Status Bar Bug Fixes
- Slow Firing Rate on Longer Saves Bug Fix
- Don't Hide Stamina Bar on Holster
- Optical Camo Bug Fixes (not updated for 2.0, may not be needed anymore)
- Hacking Bug Fixes (not updated for 2.0 yet)
New Features/Systems