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  1. R4P0SAOM4F1OS0
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    outdated warning, i think it dont work anymore.
    1. Kaycred
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      i got a warning saying it was outdated but i just put it back in and it work.
      idk it's odd.
  2. KaneRonnie
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    this mod needs like cold weather resistance.
  3. HerPluto
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sorry, this mod will damage my map. I really like Night City in winter, but I can't see the map now
  4. EnjayNexus
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I can't believe that I only just got around to trying this.  It's incredibly well done.  Very nice, very atmospheric, very different.
    It's absolutely believable that NC and surrounding area has had a fall of snow and, in fact, it's still snowing with a really nice effect.

    I really enjoyedReconciliation Park, the North Oak area and the badlands look particularly stunning.

    Fantastic job.  I just wish I'd tried it for the festive period.  Oh well, keeping it in mind for this year. :D
  5. Kaycred
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    (edit)I tried it again and it works again, i think something else was out of date and the warning confused it with this mod.

    are you planning on updating it? im getting a warning that it's outdated.
    i just updated all the requirements. i really love this mod and would appreciate it greatly, thank you
  6. NolaDreamer
    • premium
    • 1,451 kudos
    Removing the mod crashes the game. Is there a guide on how to remove the mod correctly? If you reinstall the mod, it doesn't crash. If you delete it again, it crashes. Changing the weather before saving and exiting doesn't help. A save without snow doesn't help.
    1. sosuine
      • premium
      • 533 kudos
      Mod doesn't add/remove weather states and has no effect on save files. You delete all the files (2 in archive/pc/mod and 1 in r6/scripts) - the game has to work fine
    2. NolaDreamer
      • premium
      • 1,451 kudos
      If anyone has a similar problem, let me know.
    3. sosuine
      • premium
      • 533 kudos
      does it crash when you try to load a save? 
    4. NolaDreamer
      • premium
      • 1,451 kudos
      it crash any save if winter mod not installed
    5. Geraltrus
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I had a similar problem with the mod "Nova City" either play with the mod or roll back the save before installing the mod
      This is actually a sad bug, because of it I had to roll back to a very early save.If someone had warned me that this could happen, that's why you always need to rely on yourself and make reserves of conservation
    6. NolaDreamer
      • premium
      • 1,451 kudos
      I didn't have this problem last year with the winter mod. It's really sad that I'll have to look for an old save.
    7. Geraltrus
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I understand you, it was hard for me to accept it too. Good luck to you!
    8. NolaDreamer
      • premium
      • 1,451 kudos
      A friend sent me his save. It still crashes. I don't know what to do.
    9. Geraltrus
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Do you install mods through Vortex? Try disabling them all. And try starting a new game I wonder if there will be an error.
      do you have the latest version of the game? and were you given a clean game save? without mods?
    10. ex1k
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      hey NolaDreamer that's a pity to hear. Try deleting the cache folder.
      Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded
      I had something similar but with different mods.
    11. NolaDreamer
      • premium
      • 1,451 kudos
      @Geraltrus, @ex1k, @sosuine, nova nods didnt let me delete winter mod. now all fixed. i found out it.
    12. ex1k
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      glad to hear it
  7. Haunter777
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Heya, I'm on a older version of the game, is it possible to unlock the older archived mods?
    1. Floodsfire
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      You can download archived versions that are no longer "unlocked" by going down to the version you want, right click on the name, Inspect (Q) or whatever it might be your own browser to pull up the HTML Inspector.

      Once there, you want to look for the segment dt-file-expander-header part and in that line, you'll find the data-id (this is the file's unique id), you can also find the game id (data-game-id) just a few lines above that. Cyberpunk's game id is 3333

      Insert those numbers in the url below in their respective places, this'll take you to the download page along with a little warning from NexusMods saying it's an out of date version blah blah blah

  8. Medvejonka
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Beautiful mod, adds a vibe to the whole thing, esp at night, but for some reason it breaks my muzzle flash effects, they glitch out, repeat several times, appear when the gun isnt firing etc
  9. Pitoliot
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Look really great, just hope for a fix with Realistic map 
  10. Geraltrus
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    If someone does not have snow, delete the mod "Blind Begone" I went through the mods I installed and found a conflict