My V is Alive - Japanese Fem V
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About this mod
Replaces dedicated247's "My V Is Alive" mod english voice lines for female V with voice lines from her japanese VA.
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Includes only .wav files for female V. I did this for personal use, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to share these here.
Drop the folder in your cyberpunk 2077 directory and replace or drop the .wav files in "...\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\audioware\My V is Alive" After installing My V is Alive. They will replace only female V voice lines
Given that I don't speak japanese at all (sorry), I tried to find the proper voicelines files guiding myself with julieisdead's Voice Over - Subtitle Map, and translating them with an audio-to-text app, and then translating them via google translate to actually check each audio file individually to make sure they said something that made sense for the context that voice line is used for in the mod, and making sure that each audio file didn't have a duration longer thant the mod's original voice lines.
You are all free to do whatever you wan't with these, I just extracted them from the game.
If anybody actually knows Japanese, I would love to know If I picked proper voice lines. I don't trust google translate at all.