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    • supporter
    • 30 kudos
    If something is unclear, you can contact me. I will help you in any way I can. I am not a native English speaker, so sorry for my English)
  2. Ravenlash
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Wish I could use this, but Reshade constantly makes my game stutter and after some time playing - just outright crashes.

    If anyone eventually gets to the bottom of this please let me know.
    1. SIMPLY4K
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      This is the first time I've seen this, so perhaps you did something wrong? Did you install the RESHADE itself correctly? 
    2. Ravenlash
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I did install ReShade correctly through their installer. I had tried this various times with various ingame graphic settings to make sure I'm not going crazy with my assumption. I tried ReShade with various presets including the old Simple RealisticUltra Realistic and your other Reshade preset SIMPLY4K.

      Each and every time I have ReShade running, the game stutters while I walk around and usually after an hour or two or at absolutely random moments, CP2077 crashes.

      Once I stopped using ReShade outright by completely uninstalling it. The game stops crashing. One case I had several weeks ago was during the Corpo Prologue. I constantly crashed when approaching the Mox Club via the AV every time. Once I stopped Reshade, it doesn't crash at all even after I redid said prologue over and over again.

      I have no clue what the exact case might be and all research led me to believe that is an isolated issue which may or may not relate to my PC setup.

      For reference if you're interested in knowing more-
      Core I9-14900K
      32Gb RAM
      RTX 3080 (10Gb VRam)
    3. SIMPLY4K
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      Strange, I've never encountered something like this before. The system is powerful, nothing should be hindering its performance. I'll look into this, and if I find the cause of such behavior from RESHADE, I'll get back to you with an answer.
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    just a heads up More Reflective Car Paint is not available anymore so its a good thing its not a requirement
  4. faIIoutz
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to use ReShade allong with dlss frame generation? The reshade menu stops coming up if i download the frame generation mod. It seems like the issue is due there being two of the dxgi.dll. ini. I tried renaming one of them but it still didnt work. 
    1. Deko003
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      try using lossless scaling, and turn vsync on in game. works like a charm for me
    2. sickratz
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      rename dxgi.dll to d3d12.dll
  5. gurugeorge
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    Where is Edge LUT 2.0 Vibrant?  In both the page here on Nexus and in the LUT switcher there's an Edge LUT 2.0, and then there's a Edge LUT Vibrant, but no Edge LUT 2 Vibrant (that I can find).
    1. SIMPLY4K
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos mistake. Use the regular version of Vibrant )
    2. gurugeorge
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      Thanks, I thought that looked kind of right but wanted to make sure!
  6. jjaagg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So i just need an RTX 65208090Ti with 484090705082GBs??
    1. Flashylighty
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    2. Hectorilus
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      • 2 kudos
      I'm running the game on a 3090ti on UHD. depends where I am in the world but 30-50 fps on max quality (with dlss auto). with dlaa instead of dlss, it's like 20fps. sometimes sub-20. these mods typically dont impact fps much and many improves it. I think Cyberpunk was made for future pc's in mind. without raytracing it runs fine for me. but if you save up and buy a quality card made for 4k gaming with raytracing, f*#@ turning that s#*! off. frame generation is more or less necessary for cyberpunk tbh unless you get a rtx 5090 I guess. the average gamer can't really run this game on max and it's kinda sad. Cyberpunk has become the new Crysis 3.

      You got a new gaming pc, but can it run cyberpunk, choom?
  7. Simu69696969
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does it work with rtx 3060 and ryzen 5 5600x???

    And where to paste this reshade file???
  8. johnny28xh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    All the realistic videos with Cyberpunk have this white sky.... 
    where's a normal blue sky or a sunset screenshot?
    what about the night time? how does it look at night?
    Also, it seems to be mostly for cars and the skybox

    the textures on the ground are not revamped (I have some mods installed - something with clarity in the title that fix that)
    1. SIMPLY4K
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      You write as if I reworked all the graphics in the game. It's just a reshade preset with Lut and Env. Don't expect any miracle from the game engine. You only get natural colours in cloudy weather. I'm not forcing you to install it
    2. johnny28xh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      tx for the presets!!
  9. Sadevmethmika2006
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    okay, so i downloaded the main mod and all the required other mods as well, i unzipped them using 7zip and are now placed in a folder all together. i need help with placing them in the game files... where should i place them..?
    1. SIMPLY4K
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      you need to install RESHADE
    2. SIMPLY4K
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      Read the tutorial on how to install the preset in reshade. 

      1. Start Reshade 
      2. Choose the path Cyberpunk2077.exe (you need to specify the exe itself)
      3. Select - DirectX 10/11/12
      4. Lower right corner (Browse...) - here you point to the file of the downloaded preset. 
      5. Then just click next and finish. 
      6. Start the game and press the key button “home”
    3. Sadevmethmika2006
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      point to the file of the downloaded preset? 
      okay so i clicked the browse.. button and then went to those folders and selected all the ini files and clicked select. and it downloaded everything from them... holefully i did it right..
    4. SIMPLY4K
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      Only the ini-file of the loaded preset should be selected. That is, this mod
  10. Sm0kingAce
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, where exactly do I have to extract the file to? 
    I have the Steam version of the game, 2.13.
  11. iLxgalot
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Did all this and now game wont launch, saying mods executable has crashed. What's wrong here?
    1. SIMPLY4K
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      None of the mods have any effect on running the game. I don't even know how to help =(