About this mod
This mod provides core functionality and Virtual Ateliers for my Cyber Arm and Leg mods. You must download and install those mods to use them.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod provides core functionality and Virtual Ateliers for my Cyber Arm and Leg mods. You must download and install those mods to use them.
To avoid an overwhelming number of items, there are
KiasuBurger Valentino Cyberware
KiasuBurger Arasaka Cyberware
KiasuBurger Cyberware
KiasuBurger Player Cyberarms
Arm Compatibility Fixes
For historical, but unrelated reasons, the KSUV Framework's Vanilla Fem right arm and the Vanilla HD 2.x Body's right arm have non-standard submesh ordering, which breaks my mods' ability to correctly provide a replacement hand or arm. To fix this, I've added compatibility fixes that you can download from this mod page. You should install them if you are using those bodies/arms and uninstall them if you switch to different bodies (or the right arm will no longer match your body).
The newer Vanilla HD 3.x body fixes this problem, and the next 4.x release of the KSUV Framework will include a fix as well, so hopefully these become unnecessary for most people over time.
(These fix files used to be provided on each of my individual mod pages, but they're always the same files so it made sense to move them to the core mod page)
Virtual Photographers