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About this mod

Equipable and prop facehuggers for Archive XL and AMM.
Masc and Fem

Permissions and credits
Archive XL and AMM props
Masc and Fem

Sometimes agreeing to free hugs is a bad idea...
But I present to you an equipable facehugger for both masc and fem rigged V's
Put your lil pixel characters through hell, or... heaven I guess if you're into that. I don't judge.

This is a ported model and will clip through hair and likely heavy modded ears
⚠️ Weights might be a lil fucky in some poses at part of the tail where it hits the neck. ⚠️
I'm no expert at weighting things I did my best with my limited knowledge, I know it's not perfect.

Item code:

Mesh paths for ACM use:
Be aware, some NPC's their chins might be too big and clip through the tail. I based the fit on the default V head meshes

The props should be able to be found searching in AMM's decor page for:
'Loki Facehugger'
There's 3 spawnable versions;
crawling, jump, dead

To install:
place the .archive file in your mod folder
Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
(not the REDMod folder)
place the .lua file in AMM's custom props folder
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\AppearanceMenuMod\Collabs\Custom Props

To uninstall:
just delete/move the files out of the respective folders

Have fun!
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee?

Big thank yous to:
PinkyDude and Halkuonn as always for all the help with me learning props and helping my dumb ass trouble shoot issues
also the wkit team and my friendos that tested/took pics for me