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About this mod

Custom backpack screen with different sorting options, filtering and item preview.

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Adds a new backpack screen available from the ingame hub menu.

Key features

  • Custom inventory items list
  • Item previews
  • Item category tabs: All items, Ranged weapons, Melee weapons, Clothes, Consumables, Grenades, Quickhacks, Cyberware, Crafting Materials, Quest items, Junk, New items, Favorite items, Marked as Junk
  • Each item record shows the item name with a generic icon, equipped state, favorited state, type, tier, price, weight, effective DPS, damage per shot and range (for weapons), quest flag state and junk flag state
  • Implements all vanilla backpack functionality: tooltips and comparison, items activation / equip / drop / disassemble etc.
  • Different sorting options are available by clicking on the related sheet column header
  • Toggleable quest flags
  • Toggleable junk flags
  • Items filtering: search by name, type and selected tiers
  • Mass junk and mass disassembling actions
  • Mod Settings menu for a few additional sorting options

Items Displaying and filtering

Filtering blocks contain several controls that allow you to search for or display specific items and perform bulk actions on the displayed results.
  • Filter by name: text input to search through item names and descriptions (and weapon evolution for weapons)
  • Filter by type: text input to search through item types
  • Filter by ammo: available only for ranged weapons tab, displays only weapons which use selected ammo type

When you select any category except All items, you'll see additional buttons near the filtering block:
  • Select: highlights all currently displayed items in the list as selected, so you can perform junk or disassemble action for all at once.
  • Junk: marks all selected items as custom junk, which you can then sell to vendors with the vanilla Sell Junk option. Some items (quest, iconics etc.) can't be marked as junk.
  • Dissassemble: disassembles all selected items. Some items (quest, iconics, equipped etc.) can't be disassembled with this action.

Also keep in mind that vanilla backpack does not show items which have HideInBackpackUI tag (like cyberware etc.) but this screen will show everything. So please pay attention to what are you going to junk or disassemble.

Additional items selection options

You can also use keyboard + mouse clicks for selecting items more precisely:

  • Left mouse button click: just selects a single item and removes selection from previously selected item. If you are clicking on the item which is already selected then it becomes unselected.
  • Ctrl + Left mouse button click: clicking on the list item while holding Ctrl button won't remove previously clicked item selection(s). How to use: select any item with a LMB click, then hold Ctrl and select every other item with LMB click. If you are clicking on the item which is already selected while holding Ctrl then it becomes unselected.
  • Shift + Left mouse button click: clicking on the list item while holding Shift button will select a range of items starting from the previously clicked item and ending with the targeted item. How to use: select starting item with LMB click, then hold Shift and select last item in the range with LMB click.

How to install

Download the mod and all required dependencies and unpack everything into your Cyberpunk 2077 folder.
If you are Vortex user then disable REDMod Autoconvert option before installing any mods.

How to uninstall

  • Delete archive\pc\mod\RevisedBackpack.archive file
  • Delete archive\pc\mod\RevisedBackpack.archive.xl file
  • Delete r6\scripts\RevisedBackpack\RevisedBackpack.reds file
  • Delete r6\input\RevisedBackpack.xml file


  • psiberx for Codeware, RHT and other amazing mods ツ
  • e256 for UX expertise and testing =^..^=
  • flib for having the same ideas ( ^_^)/
  • WolvenKit team and CP77 modding discord chooms for all awesome tools

My mods