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Version 2.4
Add compatibility for users without Phantom Liberty Expansion DLC
Version 2.3
Add cut-content static ad: thorton2020
Version 2.2
Fix bug in restore defaults
Version 2.1
Fix bug that caused mod to not apply ads to world on first load. Fix bug that caused sticking and faded ad image preview on pause screen. Add new hidden feature.
Version 2.0
Add previews for each advert in the in-menu (see new attached images). Preview images are animated if the advert supports animations. Fix some bugs affected a couple ads from showing in world.
Version 1.2
Update district descriptions to make them more informative
Bonus feature is it only uses animated adverts by default (you can optionally toggle static-only ads on if you want). If there is a animated version of a advert, this mod automatically prevents the non-animated version of it from being shown.
Press the "Defaults" button to go back to vanilla game settings.
Must reload save for changes to take effect.
Compatibility: Works fine with custom ads from all known mods. Useful for easily viewing adverts from your favorite custom ad replacer mods.
Mod reference resource video with all vanilla animated adverts timestamped (although this video isn't really necessary since version 2.0 with the advert previews): https://youtu.be/fpg1zzmaxos
Thanks to all the creators and maintainers of WolvenKit, the creator of Native Settings UI (my favorite mod menu for its dev flexibility), psiberx for creating TweakXL, and the creators of redscript and CET.