About this mod
Restores the missing pink muscle tank top appearance from the E3 2018 gameplay demo.
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Restores the missing pink muscle tank top appearance from the E3 2018 gameplay demo. I found it annoying how the item itself appears in-game, yet there are no appearances that match the one seen in the demo, so I made my own. This is as close as I could get with the current tools available, and as such it is not a perfect match.
The pink muscle tank replaces the appearance for the 'NIPPON COMPOSITE-COATED MUSCLE TANK'. The logo has been removed and the materials and colours changed to match the demo appearance. Use the command below to obtain it.
This mod also has an optional file that restores the underwear, which is in the vanilla game but unavailable to V - until now. I made some minor tweaks to make it closer to the demo appearance. Use the command below to obtain it.
Game.AddToInventory("Items.Shorts_02_rich_01", 1)

1. Extract the .rar file to ...\GOGLibrary\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod (GOG)
...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod (Steam)
1. Remove basegame_E3_MuscleTank.archive file from your patch folder.
Recommended Mods
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E3 V (Mesh Model and Textures)
E3 Clothes by KickingWriter
Special Thanks
All the folks on the Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Discord
My Other Mods