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About this mod

Adds a new lifepath and intro to the game, before the half year montage. V is both an ex-corpo and ex-nomad, returning to Night City.

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Adds a new lifepath and intro to the game, before the half year montage. V is both an ex-corpo and ex-nomad, returning to Night City.
Featuring a new intro/scenes, before the Half Year Montage, where the Corpo/Streetkid/Nomad lithpaths have their Arasaka Tower/Coyote Cojo/Border Town intros.
As both an ex-corpo and ex-nomad, V has access to both lifepaths options/choices during the story/game.

More info/features:
4th Lifepath option during new game/character creation [disabled for the Phantom Liberty skip].
Customised new savegame data, so save slots as a fresh start Nomad/Corpo are displayed as such.
Edits some NPCs pathing/routines in the terminal, this was to improve the mod's scene, but it actually fixes some issues in the base game too.
Features Misty, Jackie, and Vik, who are picking V up from the Orbital Air terminal.

Ko-Fi link:
Really like my mod(s)?: Ko-Fi: Deceptious

Unzip the main zip into "Cyberpunk 2077" folder so that the .archive and .archive.xl files end up in the "Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod" folder
The scripts and tweaks folders should then also end up in their respective "Cyberpunk 2077\r6" folders

Delete the #FreshStart.archive and #FreshStart.archive.xl files from the "Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod" folder.
Delete FreshStart folders/content from the "Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts" and "Cyberpunk 2077\r6\tweaks" folders

I tested uninstalling the mod with existing 'Fresh Start' saves. I found no problems beyond those 'Fresh Start' saves now being essentially unusable without the mod being reinstalled first: they load, sure, but the game probably considers an invalid lifepath and many parts of the game may now be blocked.

What about the lifepath specific side quests?
I disabled them by default, for this 'Fresh Start' lifepath, as they don't make much story sense with the new intro but...
If you really want to play them anyway, with a Fresh Start game:
  • Use the following CET console command:
    Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("ns_lp_quests_enabled", 1)
  • Both quests will now activate at their normal point in the story (command will still work even if you past that point, it waits)

This is an incredibly complex mod, and there's only so much testing I can do myself. Please report any serious issues as bugs on the bugs tab please!

New subtitles/text, new VO, All Lipsync: English. [1.0.1]
Existing subtitles/text, existing VO: All other game languages [1.0.1]

Compatibility risks:
No known incompatibilites as of v1.0.1.
Local world edits around the terminal, for the mod, are only present during the intro and not seen in other playthroughs or later in the game.

Lifepath selection UI/screen loading animation only has 3 widgets when the modded one has 4: Super minor, but it bothers me a tiny bit!!
The car revs a lot during the driving section: Minor, will fix in future if I can figure out why.
'Onscreen' TPP V doesn't move exactly the same as V does, it's not 1to1 like mirrors are.
I'm not a big fan of how the camera moves and the weird way V leans when talking to Misty: all tested alternatives are janky and actually feel worse.


If anyone finds any bugs beyond what's listed in in Issues/Limitations, please let me know on the bugs tab!