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About this mod

A collection of 40 new realistic hand-drawn EYEBROWS texture in 2K resolution for Female and Male V. Will not affect NPC!!! + 2 Material options to choose !

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A B O U T  T H I S  M O D


A collection of 40 new hand-drawn EYEBROWS for Both V !

They were all drawn hair by hair by me and I made sure to have a good realistic render in-game !
Note that some will look different depending on eye shape and also your character's gender.

They come separately as 8 sets of 5 eyebrows as I use the new 2.2 game's character creation slot sliders number 9 to 13.
They are all unique to V and will not replace any of the NPC eyebrows !

2 optional material files that will affect all of V's eyebrows and some NPCs'!

The MATERIAL files replace the default.mi and gradient.mi files and make the normal map a bit more pronounced and the eyebrows a bit thicker and more precise and darker. Look at the media section for some comparison pictures !
I recommend you to try them, but it's entirely up to you and your taste. Keep in mind that I checked all my renders with these files active!
I made sure that gradiant color render correctly aswell.


I N S T A L L A T I O N & R E Q U I R E M E N T S

You need to have your game updated to the 2.2 version or above.

>You need to pick up only one SET at once<

To install ; Simply extract the content of the compressed file, drag the "archive" folder, and drop it into your Cyberpunk2077 folder.
To uninstall it ; delete the .archive from this mod, in your mod folder.



The MATERIAL file replaces the same files as ANRUI's Darker Eyebrow, which is also a good alternative, because his version is even more fuller !

ICONIC Framework need to be updated to 2.2, so if the eyebrow aren't showing, make sure you removed it from your mod list.

Same issue for CC FIX- Cosmetic Corrections by noralee

If your eyebrows shows a "DO NOT USE IN GAME" texture bug, update ARCHIVE XL to its lastest version 

Be carefull if you use some sort of "overall enhanced / ai upscale" texture packs and stuffs, that my files are loading above it !


Thank you ! And sorry, english is not my first langage !!! ;)

M  Y    R  E  A  L  I  S  T  I  C    S  E  R  I  E  :