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About this mod

NLA is a complete overhaul of the lighting and weathers for Cyberpunk 2077. It is currently in a WIP state, but completely stable with the available options.

Permissions and credits
NLA is a complete remake of Cyberpunk 2077's lighting and weather. Even though it is in a WIP state, it is stable. Many more features and versions are planned. The mod's main objective is to remove the auto exposure effect that Cyberpunk uses. NLA also removes the forced sharpening introduced in 1.04. It achieves this by editing the main lighting and weather file, known as the "Master .ENV." It also edits the weather. Since the game doesn't load custom or default weathers at load time [for some reason,] a skip of 1hr is required for the weather to load in. Please do not skip 24hrs as the game doesn't load anything when skipping 24hrs. A script that automates this process is currently in development. Also, to all of you screenarchers, Screenshots are open without moderation [except for removing unacceptable screenshots.] Videos too!
Since there are many other mods that replace the same files, there are incompatibilities. They are as follows:
E3 2018 Lighting MOD -WT3WD
Forced Sharpening Removal -BobG123
Geoengineering -ZAJ 
Change Weather -ReaverMusic
Climate Change -essenthy
Auto Exposure Fix -Dravic

Illuminaty for NLA -Janecio14/Johnson
Both Cyberpunk Modding Discord Servers