2000 Saleen S281 New Edge Mustang
Required |
Actually Smart Weapons (aim for the head)
Optional |
Actually Smart Weapons - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Adaptive PT by TheManualEnhancer (Reupload)
Advert Controller (Toggle Ads)
AI Netrunners Enhanced (Not updated for 2.0)
Alternative Midair Movement and Walljumping
Always My Radio Station
Latest version |
Always Wanted - 2.21 and Phantom Liberty Compatible
Ammo Reloaded
Optional |
ASChange - Add Skill or Attribute point
Auto Disassemble
Latest Version |
Auto Disassemble - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Auto On Neon Rims and Custom Colors
1.9+ |
Auto On Neon Rims Simplified Chinese Translation
Autoloot - Korean Translation
Without this, this mod means NOTHING |
AWSC - Advanced Weapon Stat Customization (0.7.1 Malorian and friends)
Behavioral Imprint-synced Faceplate Customization
Essential |
Better Camera Auto 2.1
Requirement. |
Better Kerenzikov
Better Netrunning - Hacking Reworked
Optional, but highly recommended |
Better Optical Camo
At least Version 1.5 |
Better Vehicle Radio
Required for this mod |
Bobbert's Buffs - Food Drinks Alcohol Apartment Boosters Consumables
Borg Malorian Restored
Optional |
Borg Malorian Restored - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Borg Pariah
Optional |
BOS Berserk Overclock Sandevistan Boost
BOS Berserk Overclock Sandevistan Boost - Turkish Translation
Mod ayarlarını görmek ve çevirinin işe yaraması için gerekli. |
Breaching Breached
Must-have; 1.9 or newer |
Buff auto applier
Carry Capacity Boost
Carrying Laptop
Challenging Breach Minigame
Character Build Transfer Tool - Backup Restore And Share Builds
Only required if you wish to use to apply/edit builds. Everything that can be done in the NativeUI menu (and more) can also be done in the CET overlay menu without this requirement. |
Circlemap Widgets
Configurable Pack Mule Perk
Required to display the menu |
Configurable Titanium Infused Bones
Contextual Motion Blur
Optional |
Convo Skill Check Scaling
Corrupt NCPD
Latest version |
Crafting Rebalanced
Optional |
Crystal Coat for Rayfield Aerondight
Optional. See description for details. |
Crystal Coat for Rayfield Caliburn
Optional. See description for details. |
Custom Level Cap
Custom Quickslots (Consumables Grenades and Cyberware Abilities)
Custom Quickslots for Consumables Grenades and Cyberware Abilities - Czech Translation
1.4+ |
Custom SloMo
Hard Requirement |
Customize Your Knife
Customize Your Melee Weapons
Customize Your Melee Weapons Plus
Cyberdeck Tweaks
Optional, but should be latest version if used. |
Cyberdeck Tweaks - Czech Translation
Doporučeno pro přizpůsobení |
Cyberpunk Cursed Randomizer
Latest version |
Cyberpunk Super Hot Mode
Latest version |
Cyberscript Core 5.0
CyberTrials - Create and Share Time Trial Races
Optional, only used to change racing settings and to end races, which can also be done in the CET overlay |
Cyberware Item Bonus Stat Settings
Cyberware Stats Control
Daemon Netrunning
Damage Floor
Damage Scaling and Balance (Formerly Level Scaling)
Detection Sounds Randomizer
To configure randomizer script |
Disable Weapon Sway - 2.2 PL compatible
Drive a Bus - Ride on Mahir MT28 Coach
Optional (Required since 1.96) |
Drive an Aerial Vehicle - Flight Mod Using AV and Helicopter
1.96 or later |
Drive an Aerial Vehicle FR
obligatoire |
Drone Companions
E3 NPC Nameplates
安装站内 赛博朋克2077 MOD的基础文件之一 |
Economy of 2077
Optionial, makes some aspects of the mod configurable |
Enemies of Night City
Enemies of Night City - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Enhanced Air Traffic
Optional |
Enhanced Cyberware Capacity
Enhanced DualSense Support
Enhanced Edgerunner
Enhanced Flash Sale
Enhanced Police Lights System
Enhanced Vehicle System
Enterable Interiors 2.0 - CET and TweakXL
Only if using version 1.0 (you do not need this for version 2.0) |
Equipment-EX Unlocker
To change mod settings |
Extended and Improved Headlights
Latest version |
Extended and Improved Headlights - Czech Translation
1.9+ |
Extra Vehicle Controls
Latest version |
Extra Vehicle Controls - Czech Translation
1.9+ |
Fake Door Auto Buster
Not required, but preferable. |
Faster Elevators
Female Corpo ACT 1 Patch 1.5
Female Corpo ACT 2 Patch 1.5 (High Roller Game Save)
(Yeah.) |
Female Nomad ACT 1 Patch 1.5 (High Roller Game Save)
Ferrari F40 LB-WORKS
Filter Saves by Lifepath and Type
Only needed to change the menu options, not required |
Finisher and Takedown Overhaul (ZKV_Takedowns) (Outdated)
Latest version |
Flashback Fixer
Flying Tank - Enhanced Basilisk
Required since 1.96 |
FreeFly (Noclip)
Latest version |
FreeFly (Noclip) - Turkish Translation
Mod ayarlarını görmek ve çevirinin işe yaraması için gerekli. |
You need a custom extended version from https://github.com/dkollmann/CP77_nativeSettings/releases/tag/furiganav1.0 |
General Performance Improvements (ini Tweaks) - Updated for 2.0
Only for CET version |
GodMode (edit player stats)
GodMode (modifier les statistiques du joueur) FR
Indispensable |
GOG Begone
Hack the Planet
1.6+ |
Hack the Planet Simplified Chinese Translation
Harder Gunfights
Headshot Damage Multiplier Russian Localization
Help at Level 60
and its entire single requirement |
Hidden Gems as Random Events
Required (as of v1.2) |
Hidden Gems Locations on Map
Required by Cyberscript Core |
Hidden Packages
required if you want to change literally anything |
Higher Chance Dismemberment
Needed for Dismemberment Settings |
Hotscenes - play Cyberpunk Joytoy sex scenes with your favorite characters
Optional for alternative way of accessing settings within a common settings menu (integrated with the Hotscenes Native UI menu). |
How To Mod Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Guide With 100 Plus Mods and Mod List Step By Step Beginner Friendly
Pre-requisite mods, don't forget to install them, not required to download the guide of course but you will in the future |
Immersive GPS -- Driving-Only Minimap
Technically optional, required only for the setting to turn off HUD movement |
Immersive Stamina FX
Required for configuration UI screen |
Improved Aldecaldos Camp
Optional |
Improved Neon Rims Controls
Necessary |
Increased Level of Details Distance - Draw Distance
Hard Requirement |
Jobs of Night City - MaxTac
latest |
K.O.C.K.S. - Kiroshi Optics Cybernetic Kinematic System
Only for the NativeUI menu (CET overlay menu is also available) |
Keep Drawing The Line (ricochet preview)
Optional |
Keep Drawing the Line - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Kinda Realistic Flashlight
Kiroshi Optics Night Vision - Korean Translation
Otherwise, this translation means nothing |
Kiroshi Optics Night Vision Mod
Latest version |
Lean Anywhere
Latest version, Optional |
Leg Cyberware Tweaks
Optional, but should be latest version if used. |
Lifepath Bonuses and Gang-Corp Traits
Lifepath Bonuses and Gang-Corp Traits - Turkish Translation
Mod ayarlarını görmek için gereklidir. |
Lifepath Changer - No Lifepath Restriction
Live in Night City (a.k.a. survival mode)
Make A Living - Courier
Make A Living - Courier - Russian Translate
Manual Transmission
Marmur Bank
Marmur Bank - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Max My Perks
Max XP Sharing
Medicine and Grenade Increase
Required for Settings Main File |
Memory Regen Slider
Metro rE3worked
Metro System requirement |
Metro System
Latest version |
Minimap Widgets
Missing Persons - Fixer's Hidden Gems
1.96+ |
Missing Persons - Fixer's Hidden Gems - Czech Translation
1.6+ |
Missing Persons - Fixer's Hidden Gems - Francais
Missing Persons - Fixer's Hidden Gems - Turkish Translation
Mod ayarlarını görmek için gereklidir. |
More Field Items
Nano Drone
Latest version |
Native and Mod Settings Localized
Optional, but recommended |
Native Settings UI Side Menu Add-on
This mod adds an extra mods side menu to the Native Settings UI for easier navigation |
Native Settings UI Side Menu Add-on - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Native Vehicle Customizer
Night City Estate
Night City Estate - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
No Reload
No shooting delay
Non Random Cyberware Stats
required |
Non-Canon Romances Enhanced
Required for the menu |
Nova Crowds (CET - Randomized Crowds and Increased Density)
Required for menu to adjust settings for main version (not absolutely required) |
Nova Traffic (CET - Modded Vehicles in Traffic)
Required. |
One Hit Knockout
Only Smartweapon Crosshairs
Latest version |
Only Smartweapon Crosshairs - Czech Translation
1.9+ |
Only Smartweapon Crosshairs - Deadeye Perk Fix
Required by Only Smartweapon Crosshairs |
OP Cyberdecks
OP Cyberware Eyes
OP Cyberware Hands
OP Cyberware Integumentary System
OP Cyberware Legs
Optical Camo Tweak
Required for mod menu |
Over 9000 - No Attribute Check Restriction
Overclock Ability Boost
Overclock Ability Boost - German Translation
required |
Pacifica Typhoon - Dogtown's Hidden Gems
1.96+ |
Pacifica Typhoon - Dogtown's Hidden Gems - Turkish Translation
Mod ayarlarını görmek için gereklidir. |
Pacifica Typhoon - Dogtown's Hidden Gems Russian translate
1.96+ |
Performance Feature Toggles - Automatic Toggles Edition
Required to change mod settings in-game |
Performance Feature Toggles - NativeUI and CET Menus
Required unless you wanna change the options in the config file |
Phantom Liberty New Game Stats Menu
Absolutely Required |
Phantom Liberty New Game Stats Menu - Turkish Translate - NativeUI
Ping Tags Enemies - CET-1.2.0-Chinese translation
Ping Tags Enemies - Cyber Engine Tweaks
optional - integrates the settings into the native game menu |
Playable Blackjack - Gambling System
Playable Blackjack - Gambling System Idioma Brasileiro
Projectile Launcher Rework
Pseudo New Game Plus
Required |
Psycho Crowds and Traffic Improvements (ini tweak)
Only for Desnity Performance Menu Addon |
Quickhacks Boost
Quickhacks Boost - German Tranlation
required |
Quickhacks Boost - Turkish Translation
Mod ayarlarını görmek ve çevirinin işe yaraması için gerekli. |
Random Weapon on Kill
Newest version |
Necessary to access mod options |
React To Horn - Get out of my way NPC
Latest version |
React to Horn RU
Remove Sandevistan - Berserk - Kerenzikov Screen Effect
Repeatable NCPD Gigs - WIP
Optional |
Restore Kerenzikov Dodge and pre-1.3 movement
Ricochet Redux
Optional |
Ricochet Redux - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Riiswalkers - Clean Effects - Remove Effects of Cyberware - Perks - and More
Required |
Russian translation for Cyberware Stats Control
Russian translation for Enhanced Cyberware Capacity
Russian translation for Minimap Widgets
Russian translation for Time Dilation Overhaul
Необходимо для конфигурации мода в игре |
Sandevistan Berserk Boost Charges Regeneration
Sandevistan Customization - Time Dilation
Sandevistan Customization - Time Dilation (Turkish Translate)
Sandevistan Customization - Time Dilation - Russian Translation
Saving Areas Restricted (REDmod-Redscript)
Optional |
Scopes that Scope
SDO - Scissors Difficulty Options
Separate FPS Limits
shoo Watchdog - Timeout Crash
needed if you want to modify the config within the game itself |
Sightseeing Log
Required if you want to change settings |
Silent Silencers and Throwing Knives
Simple Flashlight
Latest version |
Simple Flashlight - Czech Translation
Poslední verze |
Simple Flashlight - Hungarian Translation
Az eredeti modhoz kötelező |
Simple Flashlight - Turkish Translation
Mod ayarlarını görmek ve çevirinin işe yaraması için gerekli. |
Simple XP Multiplier
Sit Anywhere
Latest version, Optional |
Sit Anywhere - French Translation
optionnal |
Sit Anywhere - Korean Translation
Sit Anywhere Russian Translation
Skill Trainers
Skill Trainers - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Slow-Mo Kill Cameras
Latest version |
Slower Mainboss Patch for Enemies of Night City
Dependency of the base mod |
Soft Crafting
Required for settings in-game |
Sort Device Vehicle Quickhacks
Spawning NPCs by the way you want And related cheating ways
must be |
Sprint Crouch Slide Dodge and Air Dash Settings
Stamina Regen Slider
Stamina Usage
Stealthrunner - Stealth Gameplay Expansion
SWSC - Simple Weapon Stat Customization
Synaptic Accelerator Customization
SynthDose - More Drugs
SynthDose - More Drugs Idioma Brasileiro
The Gangs of Night City
Requirement |
The Passenger - Feature Settings
Required for the menu |
The Passenger - Feature Settings - Russian Translation
Обязательный, что бы оригинальный мод отоброжался в Native Settings |
Throwable Aim Slow Time
Time Dilation Overhaul
Technically optional, but HIGHLY recommended |
Toxicity (Pre-2.0 only)
Transports Of Night City (Taxi service and Bus included)
Ukrainian Translation of Better Netrunning
Ukrainian Translation of Challenging Breach Minigame
Ukrainian Translation of Economy of 2077
Ukrainian Translation of Increased Level of Details Distance
Ukrainian Translation of Kiroshi Optics Night Vision Mod
Ukrainian Translation of Lifepath Bonuses and Gang-Corp Traits
Ukrainian Translation of Responsive NPCs
Ukrainian Translation of Simple XP Multiplier
Unlock Night City 2
Vehicle Combat
Vehicle Combat RU
Vehicle Combat Simplified Chinese Translation
Vehicle Field of View Adjuster
Required to change FOV values to user's specification |
Vehicle Speed Limit
Vendor and UI Improvements
Required for UI options to be appear ingame! |
Walljumping Lynx Paws
WE3D - Drugs of Night City
WE3D - Drugs of Night City - Czech
Vyžadováno pro přizpůsobení |
Weapon Damage Multipliers - previously Headshot Damage Multiplier - 2.2 PL compatible
Weapon Handling Control - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Weapon Shuffle (Randomizer)
Weathermancer - Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Weathermancer - Weather Select Menu
Zoomable Scopes
Latest version |
Zoomable Scopes - Czech Translation
1.9+ |