About this mod
Long top for Fem V avaliable for Vanilla and Max Big Breats body.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
New top mesh modeled and textured by me from scratch.
As always is avaliable for Vanilla mesh body, and Max big breats version.
Remember if you are going to use big breats version you need to download this.
The top is avaliable on 12 colors, some of them with some draws on the back (see previews).
Choose just one at time file, and place it on Mod folder.
- Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
To Add directly to your inventory with CET.
Replacing the netrunner suit.
Other mesh body versions:
If others want to convert for other mesh body feel free to ask me for the mesh on discord and i will provide it with textures!
- Discord: Peachu#2577
Thank you so much, hope you like!
My other MODS.

2. Kaoru Top - Vanilla & Big Breats.
3. Short Dress - Vanilla & Big Breats.
4. Swimsuit - Vanilla, Big Breats & Big booty.