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No translation available on the Nexus
Version 2.2.4
Fixed compatibility issues with Cyberpsycho Missions mod
Version 2.2.3
Updated French translation
Version 2.2.2
Updated Czech translation
Version 2.2.1
Updated redsUserHints
Version 2.2.0
All changes in this update were made by @lorddarkflare so kudos for the contribution! Details below:
Added "Lover" and "Social" interaction categories. An interaction with a "Lover" character is only possible after the romance flag is set. Both new and old interactions should be fully compatible with Deceptious mods that involve that interaction
Players can optionally choose to recover humanity from sleep as a function of unique interaction categories
Overclock is can now contribute to Humanity Damage like Berserk or Sandevistan
Added optional "Cruelty" option that has a 20% chance of tacking an additional 5 humanity damage whenever humanity damage suffered. This should make the possibility to go psycho much less predictable
Gain a stacking buff whenever you first interact with one of the six different humanity restoring interactions. Buff provides stacking reload, stacking armor and non-stacking memory boost (+2).
Version 2.1.2
Added German translation
Version 2.1.1
Minor improvements for better apartment interactions detection
Version 2.1.0
Minor improvements for Berserk and Sandevistan activation detection to prevent Humanity loss when effects were not actually activated because of cooldowns
Post-Psychosis effect tweaked to be less punishing (cyberware blocking is still there but combat debuffs weakened significantly)
Added Humanity bar hiding on cyberware selector activation
Fixed Humanity cost calculations for non-integral quality tier multipliers
Version 2.0.6
Added Korean and Traditional Chinese translations
Version 2.0.5
Added Czech and Italian translations
Version 2.0.4
Fixed incorrect Humanity validation on Neuroblockers buff end when having zero humanity
All mod callbacks now use time dilation flag what should help all effects flows work better with the game pausing (like opening menus etc.)
Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
Version 2.0.3
Added Spanish translation
Version 2.0.2
Fixed a few issues with a current wanted level management
Fixed incorrect Humanity calculations for apartment interactions
Added Japanese and Thai translations
Version 2.0.1
First stable 2.0 release!
Added a new option to control Cyberpsychosis duration
Post-psychosis now does not block scanner usage
Neuroblockers added to med stores
Added slight camera breathing effect to post-psychosis stage
Now cyberpsychosis launch checks your current wanted level to prevent its decreasing if the mod settings has the lower value
Added Russian, French, Polish and Simplified Chinese translations
Version 2.0.0-RC3
Plus tiers support added to mod settings and cyberware usage cost calculations
Version 2.0.0-RC2
Minor fixes for Humanity restoration tracker to prevent restoring on wrong interactions
Version 2.0.0-RC1
Core scripts and systems refactored to work better with the game changes from patch 2.0
Glitches threshold removed; a few major tweaks and changes for Low Humanity and Cyberpsychosis effects; also added a new Post-Psychosis effect which overtake your V on cyberpsychosis end (check the mod description for more details)
Integrated some new sound effects from patch 2.0 to cyberpsychosis flow
New wanted level for Cyberpsychosis flow available in the mod settings - Max Tac
Redesigned cyberware menu Humanity bar for better match with armor and capacity bars new designs (kudos to e256 for design tips)
Some of your apartments interactions like playing guitar, making a coffee etc. now also restore a small amount of Humanity
A few additional interactions to restore your Humanity like petting a cat or iguana or donating money to a homeless
Minor tweaks for player teleporting flow to prevent teleport for some cases when it possibly might break a current quest
Added new photosensitive mode option which reduces the amount of used vfx effects
Neuroblockers type changed from Injector to LongLasting, also used a new icon
Added new options for NUSA and Barghest killing cost
Cyberware capacity management and install Humanity cost removed because of 2.0 changes
Major changes to most used texts and descriptions so all translations currently removed, I'll upload translation sources later (and kudos to all people who helped with pre-2.0 localizations)
Version 1.7.0
Added configurable price options for neuroblockers and neuroblockers recipes (keep in mind that you must restart your game to apply price changes)
Version 1.6.6
Fixed compatibility issues with Humanity Recovery mod
Version 1.6.5
Yet another checks for issues with losing Humanity while playing as Johnny
Added forced glitches and psychosis effects cleanup on transition from normal gameplay to Johnny's flashbacks
Additional tag "Neuroblockers" for neuroblocker effects
Version 1.6.4
Added support for additional humanity penalties which can be pushed to EdgerunningSystem by other mods (check the description for details)
Version 1.6.3
Internal events system refactored to prevent crashes for large mod setups
Added post-teleport VFX effects cleanup
Version 1.6.2
Fixed pricing modifier for rare neuroblockers recipe
Added more checks for player possession to prevent the mod logic from triggering while playing as Johnny
Removed hardcoded Mod Settings dependency, now it's optional
Version 1.6.1
Minor fixes for effects applying on game save/load events
Version 1.6.0
Added new option to tweak additional Humanity bonus which your character gets per each level
Added new option to tweak Humanity cost for Optical Camo usage
Fixed a bug which blocked teleport from triggering on cyberpsychosis end
Added more detailed error messages for the most common installation errors (requires redscript 0.5.10+)
Version 1.5.2
Fixed a bug when humanity progress bar wasn't visible after the initial game loading
Fixed a bug with localized effects descriptions displaying at the status menu screen
Version 1.5.1
Minor tweaks required for Humanity Recovery mod
More fixes for teleport triggering conditions to prevent any issues while playing as Johnny
Version 1.5.0
New options to tweak Humanity cost for Mantis Blades, Monowire and Projectile Launcher usage
Minor tweaks to improve compatibility with Drone Companions mod
Version 1.4.2
More fixes for Humanity loss issue while playing as Johnny
Now Vik gives you Neuroblockers when you install cyberware for the first time in Act 1
Version 1.4.1
Fixed an issue with effects reset on save/loading while having zero humanity
Version 1.4.0
New option: teleporting to a random location when Cyberpsychosis effect ends (VERY EXPERIMENTAL, disabled by default)
New option: Humanity Cost control for Kerenzikov usages
Minor tweaks for better System-Ex compatibility
Fixed wrong quality records for purchased Neuroblocker recipes
Added Spanish translation, minor tweaks for a few other translations
Version 1.3.1
Fixed an issue when Neuroblockers effect was canceled by any healing item
Added German localization
Version 1.3.0
Neuroblockers base type changed from Inhaler to Injector, icon updated as well
Fixed a bug which prevented Neuroblockers usage from the backpack menu directly
Fixed a bug with status effects reset when humanity reach zero
Added Czech, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese localizations
Version 1.2.0
Added common and uncommon Neuroblockers with related recipes (have lower prices and shorter durations)
Added Humanity restoring to other apartment status effects as well (Refreshed and Energized)
Fixed a bug when opening pause menu caused debuffs to apply again
Fixed a few issues with humanity restoration and negative effects removal on sleep activation
Added localization source file to downloads section
Version 1.1.1
Minor tweaks to psychosis checks and sound effects replaying to prevent them stuck
Version 1.1.0
Added a new option to control forced Cyberpsychosis triggering when Humanity reaches zero
Added more enemy categories to Humanity Cost settings
Fixed a bug when Neuroblockers buff disappeared after reloading the game
Fixed a bug when Humanity was reset to default value when you loaded a saved game where V has "Rested" effect active
Disabled Humanity loss when you play as Johnny
Disabled Humanity loss for non-lethal takedowns
Disabled Humanity loss for killing non-human enemies (drones, robots etc.)
Fixed a few issues which prevented the police from triggering when Cyberpsychosis run more than once
Minor tweaks to the settings menu min and max values for humanity thresholds and kills cost sliders (ranges increased)
Minor tweaks to the settings menu quality multiplier sliders step values
Improved config refresh after changing the mod settings ingame
Version 1.0.1
Fixed compilation error for cases when you don't have codeware related mods installed
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
Seizure Warning: this mod uses a few heavy vfx effects with a lot of flashing lights. You can enable Photosensitive mode from the mod settings menu to reduce those effects.
Key Features
New stat - Humanity, which depends on installed cyberware usage and committed kills
Possible Cyberpsychosis when Humanity becomes very low
Cyberware Humanity usage based on implants type and quality
New consumable called Neuroblockers which should help you to manage Humanity
New widgets to track your current Humanity value
Mod Settings menu
Adds new stat - Humanity, which depends on installed cyberware usages and committed kills. Cyberware usages and enemy kills decrease this stat temporarily so you can restore it after sleeping at your bed or doing a few other apartment interactions like having a shower etc. You can track your current Humanity value via Cyberware menu screen or with a new widget which will appear above the player's HP bar.
There are a three status effects which this mod uses depending on your Humanity stat:
Low Humanity: adds some visual glitches and a few combat related debuffs to your character, also can trigger a Cyberpsychosis with some chance. It's better to take Neuroblockers or go to sleep at this stage.
Cyberpsychosis: launches heavier visual glitches but buffs your movement speed, armor value and health regeneration, and if your character is not in an interior or dangerous area then triggers police spawn as well. If related option is enabled, then you will be teleported to one of the 20+ predefined locations when Cyberpsychosis effect ends. Teleporting logic does not support Dogtown yet.
Post-Psychosis: debuffs your combat skills, decreases damage resistances and blocks any cyberware usage until the next rest in your bed. Humanity loss is freezed and Cyberpsychosis can't be triggered at this stage.
Actions which restore your Humanity:
sleeping in your bed (fully restores Humanity)
petting a cat or iguana
taking a shower
donating money to a homeless
apartment interactions (playing a guitar, using a record player etc.)
Neuroblockers is a new consumable which removes low Humanity side-effects and freezes Humanity points loss while active. You can buy it at some Ripperdocs, plus Neuroblockers crafting recipe was added to a few medical shops.
Common Neuroblockers: Instant Implants, Cassius, Bucks' Clinic
Delete WannabeEdgerunner.archive and WannabeEdgerunner.archive.xl from Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod folder.
Use a save game which you created at step 3
For mods developers
You can push your own humanity modifier values using AddHumanityPenalty/ RemoveHumanityPenalty from EdgerunningSystem, compat script might look like this:
// Wannabe Edgerunner found - your custom penalty control function // Positive value for penalty, negative for boost // Unique string key is a string which will be displayed inside the tooltip next to penalty value, // plus it's used as a key inside hashmap which stores all external mods penalties // (you can use your mod or effect name here, lockeys are supported) @if(ModuleExists("Edgerunning.System")) @addMethod(PlayerPuppet) public func AddPenaltyFromSomeMod(value: Int32) -> Void { EdgerunningSystem.GetInstance(this.GetGame()).AddHumanityPenalty("Unique string key", value); }
@if(!ModuleExists("Edgerunning.System")) @addMethod(PlayerPuppet) public func AddPenaltyFromSomeMod(value: Int32) -> Void { // Wannabe Edgerunner not found - do nothing }
If you want to translate the mod to your own language, then download Translation sources archive, open wannabeedgerunner.json with any text editor (I would recommend Notepad++) and translate only lines with "femaleVariant" key (sample screenshot from other mod, text which you should change marked with yellow). After that check the code for your language here at the table below and send translated file back to me. With 2.0 update all supported languages were removed because of the mod refactoring, translation sources will be added later.
Currently supported languages:
Polish (kudos to Shadoky)
Simplified Chinese (kudos to FreakVIp)
French (kudos to kmaeleon and Yashirow)
Thai (kudos to stopdam)
Japanese (kudos to N0vemberM1ke)
Spanish (kudos to rmtpsr)
Brazilian Portuguese (kudos to PereiraMath)
Czech (kudos to magpitrs and Starfis)
Italian (kudos to orazio and NarakuITA)
Korean (kudos to MoookGwak)
Traditional Chinese (kudos to razer1005)
German (kudos to Cp2077patch213jj)
Credits to everyone who helped with pre-2.0: TheWolfeus, Starfis, Kazer24, NarakuITA, BoundHands, PeterMods76, robertojr, MayaQueenslayer, FreakVIp, hansdofer, Shivotno, SrVendettta My mods