About this mod
Adds a new (holographic) feline companion, Leia, to the Corpo Plaza apartment. Includes 11 different spots for her to use, as well as the option to pet her the same way as in the Pet The Cat mod. Includes 3 holographic appearances as well as a non-holo normal cat one.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Adds a new (holographic) feline companion, Leia, to the Corpo Plaza apartment!
You can find 'Leia' there once you have purchased the apartment.
Leia has 11 different spots she can be found at around the apartment, and can also be petted the same was as in the Pet The Cat mod.
How to pet Leia:
Upon entering the apartment, approach Leia and Greet/Fuss her (not available if she is asleep*, let her sleep!)
Once fussed/greeted enter and leave the shower or wardrobe.
If you showered she will be sat at the window, if you used the wardrobe she'll be next to the record player.
Now you can give her pets!
(*If he is asleep simply use the bed, or run out of the apartment and back, and she'll change to a new spot)
Is this compatible with other cat mods?
Yes! This mod is fully compatible with Pet Your Cat, Apartment Cats: The Glen / Nali, and Cat Replacers for Nibbles (but the replacers shouldnt affect Leia)

Angy's pet, Leia
It seems a previous tennant paid quite a sum of eddies to have their pet cat immortalized in holographic form.
Who knows why they didn't, or couldn't, take her with them, but she's yours now! At least she's easier to look after than a real cat...
Ko-Fi link:
Really like my mod(s)?: Ko-Fi: Deceptious
How to install:
Unzip the main .zip file into the "Cyberpunk 2077" folder so that:
The .archive and .xl end up in the "Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod" folder.
The .yaml wants to be in the "Cyberpunk 2077\r6\tweaks" folder.
How to change cat apperances:
Replaces the existing CorpoCat_<type>.yaml with another one from the Variants zip file.
Options available:
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- NonHolo
Change the NonHolo cat's appearance?
You can pick and choose what the NonHolo cat looks like with the Apartment Cats: Custom Cats mod!
Required mods:
TweakXL: Needed for the cat to work at all! (Essential)
ArchiveXL: Needed for the cat's name change (Non essential)
RED4ext: Needed by one or both of the above required mods
How to install the REDmod version:
REDmod version coming soon.
How to uninstall:
Remove the CorpoCat.archive and CorpoCat.archive.xl files from the "Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod" folder.
Remove the CorpoCat_<type>.yaml file from the "Cyberpunk 2077\r6\tweaks" folder.
Like this cat mod?
You might also like:
Apartment Cats: The Glen (Nali)
Apartment Cats: Motel (Jack)
Pet Your Cat
Thank you to Zwei for the main/banner photos!
Fully localised for the 2 new interactions (Fuss/Greet and Pet).
Compatibility risks:
Low, I'm still one of the only ones modding these files currently.
Does not edit any files I use in my other mods so they are all compatible too.
The mod edits the following files:
- base\workspots\animals\cat\cat__sit_ground_food__eat__02.workspot
- base\worlds\03_night_city\_compiled\default\quest_af967b8e1824f186.streamingsector
- dlc\dlc6_apart\loc_dlc6_apart_cct_dtn\quest\phases\dlc6_apart_cct_dtn.questphase
- dlc\dlc6_apart\loc_dlc6_apart_cct_dtn\quest\scenes\dlc6_apart_cct_dtn_interactions.scene
- base\localization\<lang>\subtitles\quest\dlc6\dlc6_apart_cct_dtn_interactions.json
The mod adds the following file:
- base\localization\corpo_cat_name.json
- base\mechanical\ambient\amb_004__cyber_cat\amb_004__cyber_cat_eyes_holo.mesh
- base\mechanical\ambient\amb_004__cyber_cat\amb_004__cyber_cat_holo_blue.mesh
- base\mechanical\ambient\amb_004__cyber_cat\amb_004__cyber_cat_holo_green.mesh
- base\mechanical\ambient\amb_004__cyber_cat\amb_004__cyber_cat_holo_red.mesh
- base\quest\main_quests\prologue\q003\characters\holo_cat_blue.ent
- base\quest\main_quests\prologue\q003\characters\holo_cat_green.ent
- base\quest\main_quests\prologue\q003\characters\holo_cat_red.ent
Known issues/limitations:
It might be possible to see her appear/vanish on entering/exiting the apartment, it's just her holoprojector turning on off... sure, lets go with that!
If you find any, particularly with the Greet/Pet localisations in this mod or in the wider game, please let me know using the bugs tab!