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About this mod

Simple NoClip / Flying mod that lets you get anywhere

Permissions and credits
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What it does:
- Lets you fly in any direction for maximum freedom (Forward, Backwards, Up, Down, Left, Right and all at once)
- Can be used to clip into hidden areas
- Lets you change the speed you fly with
- Can be activated/deactivated with the press of a button

How to install:
- Download and install CET (Latest version)
- Download the mod and extract it into your game folder (The one containing /bin, /r6 etc...)
- Optionally install Native Settings UI (Totally optional, settings can be done using the CET overlay too)

How to use:
- After your first install, make sure to set the keybinds to activate the mod / show the UI
- To do this open the CET console and navigate to the hotkeys tab, there set all the keys like you want
- For movement the mod will use your default keys you have set in the game's settings (Sprint key for down, jump key for up...) 
- Whilst the freefly mode is active you can use mouse wheel up/down to increase/decrease your speed

  For Controllers:
- WASD → Left stick, Up / Down → Right / Left Trigger
- To toggle the mod using controller, press Left stick button + X / Square at the same time

- Fly speed: Use this slider to change your speed
- Increase amount: Use this slider to set by how much your speed gets increased/decreased when using mouse wheel up/down
- Turning angle: Use this slider to set by how much you want to turn when flying

Special thanks to:
The devs of Cyber Engine Tweaks and RED4Sdk, Especially yamashi, UnhingedDoork, CookiePLMonster, SirLynix, emoose, WopsS, expired and WhySoSerious? (Discord). Also big thanks to NonameNonumber and Perfnormbeast for the input code and Ming for his awesome CPStyling 

Join us at the CP77 Modding discord