About this mod
Lets the Kerenzikov time dilation effect continue when you stop aiming.
Lets you use Kerenzikov without weapon (or with melee/trowing weapons)
Optional: Auto draw weapon on Kerenzikov activation
And now with a 'fix' for the ultra low movement speed
- Requirements
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Thats right: nobody.
So I got rid of that.
And while I was at it I removed the neccessity to use a ranged weapon. Just hold right mouse and dodge.
So... basicaly like it used to be pre 2.0
And while we're at stuff that used to be pre 2.0... remember how you could get a perk to automaticaly draw your weapon when you trigger the Kerenzikov? I liked that. Now I'm not making a perk for that, but I made an optional mod version for that.
Which weapon it'll draw? The "LastUsedOrFirstAvailableWeapon"
Addition option: Slomo-Fix
Reduces the slow-down effect for the player to a more reasonable value
I'd say this is a fix, cause the default version were you hardly move at all makes no sense. Let me explain:
The Kerenzikov has a strength, eg. 60%. Meaning it'll slow down time BY 60%, so TO 40%.
This 'to' value is called the TimeDilation and its send to the engine.
There are two of these GameTimeDilation and PlayerTimeDilation, the first is the slowdown for the game world, the second for the player. Easy, right.
In our examplle both TimeDelations are 0.4. Mkay?
So the world runs at 40% speed, and you run at 40% speed, so you move at the same speed as the world, right?
The world moves at 40% speed and you move at 40% OF these 40%, so 16% speed. And thats why you can hardly move at all when you fire up the Kerenzikov.
Do you think that makes sense? I think it doesn't, so I fixed it.
Addition: There's the Kerenzikov Booster. Ingame destrciption says it "slows down time relative to your enemies". Thats not entirely correct, it creats an offset to the PlayerTimeDilation. So if you have 60% Kerenzikov strength and 6% Kerenzikov Booster the gameTimeDilation is 0.4 and playerTimeDilation is 0.46. But that still means you move half as fast as anyone else, with 46% of 40%.
Makes no sense, right?
So I corrected that and I put the Kerenzikov Booster on top.
V1.2 Now with unlocked Dodging/Dashing
Requires Cyberpunk 2.0
Dependency: RedScript
Installation: Extract into game directory. The "YeOldeKerenzikov" Folder should end up under Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts