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About this mod

This mod adds iconic items to vendors.

Permissions and credits
Basic iconic weapons and clothes (Base+)
Phantom Liberty iconic weapons and clothes (DLC)
Twicth iconic weapons and clothes (DLC)
Amazon iconic weapons (DLC)
The Witcher iconic weapons and clothes (DLC)

Iconic cyberware (DLC)
Iconic mods (DLC)
Iconic quickhacks (DLC)
Iconic boosters (DLC)
Iconic shard (Base+)
Iconic clothes (for use mod - Set Bonuses) (Base+)
DLC food

Iconic Items added to all vendors.

Rarity increases every 10 levelsUncommon at 10, rare at 20, epic at 30, legendary at 40.
Not all cyberware is available at the lower rarity levels, so you'll see new options each time you unlock higher rarities.

Уou can change the prices in the file settings.yaml or use Mod Settings.
After changing prices using the mod "Mod Settings", a reboot of the game is required for the changes to take effect.

RequirementsRed4Text, TweakXL

If the product does not appear at the vendor, reinstall and skip 24 hours
This mod adds items to vendors that are in your game client. If you don't have the DLC, you won't see the new DLC items to vendors.

Instal: unzip r6 folder in root game folder(Cyberpunk 2077)

another similar mod - Iconic Shop (Virtual Atelier)

Uninstall mod:
• delete folder: Cyberpunk 2077\r6\tweaks\Iconic Vendors
• delete folder: Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts\Iconic Vendors
• skip 24h