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"Wake up, samurai! We've mods to review!"

Interested in me testing out a mod for you, so you don't have to waste your time doing it yourself, or use up your limited bandwidth downloading a mod just to find out you don't want to use it?

All you need to do is catch one of my live streams, and ask in chat me to test it out. Please provide the full name of the mod you wish me to test, the mod author's user name, and the site where I can find it.///Install Method(s)\\\
---Manual Install

///Featured Game(s)\\\
---Cyberpunk 2077 w/ Phantom Liberty DLC (Update Version 2.1)

///Features Mod(s)\\\
---North Oak Mansion

---Intro: 00:00:00
---Mod/s Installation: 1:24
---Gameplay: 28:31
---Review: 26:50
---Opinion/s & Critique: 1:01:50
---Outro: 1:06:00