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This is a short video of the Shelby Cobra 427 by Okrasha. A really great addition to the
sports cars in the game. Bernt, a good friend, wanted know what does the car sound like?
So that's why I made this short video. I think it's the same sound as the Quadra sports
cars, not sure. A more knowledgeable player would know.

Any way here's V topping the Cobra out at 220 mph, some doughnuts, and a little bit of
a demolition derby.

The song is Hot Rod Lincoln by Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen.


  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos

    I'm getting to a point where I can almost drive a car in a straight line. First time at 220 mph though. I think I had Johnny's Porsche hit 200 once.  I guess my youtube avatar shows up on the video. I didn't expect that. That's me and the original Cheyenne at the Pioneer (Prospector) Saloon in Goodsprings. Good times.
  2. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 131 kudos
    Now ya got me missing cruising around in the badlands and NC 😉
    Cool vid man 😁
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Thanks. Oh yeah, a lot of fun in the wide open spaces. There are 2-3 jobs that require chases/races through the city -- nope, that's not happening.
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Hopefully V has a good body repair guy after cutting those donuts.   Was definitely flying low on the long stretch, in real life, some dum-dum would pull out in front of him at the last second either turning right or turning left.   Fun stuff.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Body shop. Minor Spoiler: In the game the first two accidents you have, V does have to get the car repaired. After that the damage does appear -- dented fenders and doors, the hood pops off or the doors, bumpers smashed in -- but the next time you call for the car, hot key "V", like "H" in RDR2, it shows up all better again. No boo-boos.
  4. Bernt
    • premium
    • 392 kudos
    Wild thing.... That was a lot of fun. Though probably not a good idea trying to push around a huge pickup truck with a Cobra Nicely done. And it surely sounds good Music fitting like a hand in a glove
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      It is fun to drive when you have some open space. Not so much in town. Sometimes cars just stop in the middle of the road or change lanes abruptly in front of your car. Then to make it really fun -- there are often cops and bad guys chases and shootouts or gang vs. gang taking place. Sometimes they even drive on the wrong side of the street. So collisions are inevitable, even when you're not spinning doughnuts. Did you notice all the details? They're amazing. One I hadn't noticed before was the tire rubber tracks on the road.
  5. Auslander66
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    I have that mod that gives Night City some LA traffic. Wouldn't want to drive this little beauty anywhere in town. No wonder you park it out in the sticks. XD
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      I don't know how you could handle that bumper to bumper traffic. It's hard enough with the default traffic. Yes, I much prefer driving and hanging out in the desert.
  6. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,136 kudos
    Passing that on coming traffic as if it were parked up :D
    Cool doughnuts ;)
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Yes, the cars usually travel at about 70 mph along that stretch of road. So yeah, you can really zoom past them. Very dangerous though. I really did have fun doing the donuts despite crashing into the other cars.
  7. Karna5
    • premium
    • 320 kudos
    Delightful :)
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Thank you.
  8. MalachiDelacot
    • premium
    • 225 kudos
    Well, looks like you earned a DUI when you connected
    with the other vehicles and did the donuts....
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Fortunately, there aren't many cops that far out of town. But in town, hit a pedestrian or a police car and it's a different story. It can make a movie chase scene look like child's play.
  9. etholas
    • supporter
    • 56 kudos
    Very nice indeed.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
  10. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 357 kudos
    Good times!  The song popped into my head the moment I read the title, and of course Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler) is up next on the mental playlist.
    That's a good stretch of road for it too, I enjoy souping up cars and motorcycles with the mod "Car Modification Shop" and seeing how fast I can get them to go.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      I thought about a couple of other driving songs, but Hot Rod Lincoln was the best. "Hey, buddy, how do you get this thing out of 2nd gear?"
      I'll have to look into "Car Modification Shop".  I'm thinking about taking on the ramp where you give Scorpio a final send off. Could be fun in a "Thelma and Louise" sort of way.
  11. xrayy
    • premium
    • 397 kudos
    very nice entertaining video with the right music  
    you did a nice job! steering in cyberpunk with keyboard isn`t really fun.

    it reminds me somehow of the game "world racing 2" which was popular in germany in 2005 and i could drive the same car. i can still play it. game engine looks a little aged now.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Thanks. Commander Cody does some unusual, but fun songs. Glad you liked it. I was so frustrated at first trying to steer the cars and motorcycles. (In fact I quit playing a couple of games previously because of having to drive with WASD -- LA Noire and Mafia) But, I practiced quite a bit and now I can drive a little better. I dunno. You can ride a horse in other games using the mouse to steer. Is a motorcycle different from a horse for steering?

      A lot of those old games are still fun to play. The graphics really aren't that important for a good game, are they?