About this video
This is a short video of the Shelby Cobra 427 by Okrasha. A really great addition to the
sports cars in the game. Bernt, a good friend, wanted know what does the car sound like?
So that's why I made this short video. I think it's the same sound as the Quadra sports
cars, not sure. A more knowledgeable player would know.
Any way here's V topping the Cobra out at 220 mph, some doughnuts, and a little bit of
a demolition derby.
The song is Hot Rod Lincoln by Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen.
I'm getting to a point where I can almost drive a car in a straight line. First time at 220 mph though. I think I had Johnny's Porsche hit 200 once. I guess my youtube avatar shows up on the video. I didn't expect that. That's me and the original Cheyenne at the Pioneer (Prospector) Saloon in Goodsprings. Good times.
Cool vid man 😁
Cool doughnuts ;)
with the other vehicles and did the donuts....
That's a good stretch of road for it too, I enjoy souping up cars and motorcycles with the mod "Car Modification Shop" and seeing how fast I can get them to go.
I'll have to look into "Car Modification Shop". I'm thinking about taking on the ramp where you give Scorpio a final send off. Could be fun in a "Thelma and Louise" sort of way.
you did a nice job! steering in cyberpunk with keyboard isn`t really fun.
it reminds me somehow of the game "world racing 2" which was popular in germany in 2005 and i could drive the same car. i can still play it. game engine looks a little aged now.
A lot of those old games are still fun to play. The graphics really aren't that important for a good game, are they?