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About this mod

Auto-extinguish lights when you don't have a hand free to hold them. Optional "drop light" mechanics as well as first-person graphics when using torches and lanterns. Android version available.

Permissions and credits

I was a bit annoyed how light sources currently just lit everything evenly from the player's POV and I really wanted to emphasize DFU's already excellent lighting and shadows so I started with making Item-Based Lighting less of a set-and-forget kind of thing with the Free Hand Requirement. Then it just snowballed into this. Funny how that works.

  • Free hand requirement for light source
  • Droppable light sources
  • First-person torch and lantern graphics

  • Handheld light sources like Torches, Lanterns, Candles and Holy Candles require a free hand to be used.
  • If there is no free hand, the light source will be either stowed or dropped (configurable in Mod Settings)
  • If a light source was stowed, it will be automatically re-equipped when a hand becomes free once again.
  • Trying to equip a light source without a free hand is disallowed.
  • With melee weapons and unarmed, the hands they are equipped in are occupied when unsheathed.
  • Shields and bows will always occupy the hand they're equipped in, even when sheathed.
  • OPTIONAL: With two-handed melee weapons, the off-hand will only be occupied when attacking with the weapon.
  • OPTIONAL: Spellcasting (readying or casting a spell) will occupy both hands for the duration of the cast. Toggle through Mod Settings.
  • OPTIONAL: Climbing will occupy both hands. Toggle through Mod Settings.
  • OPTIONAL: Swimming will occupy both hands. Toggle through Mod Settings.
  • When an equipped light source is forcibly stowed, it will be dropped onto the ground in front of the player instead.
  • Dropped light sources will continue to shed light.
  • Their condition will also continue to decay as normal and during Resting and Loitering.
  • They can be picked up by interacting with them in either GRAB or STEAL mode.
  • Picking up a dropped light source with a hand free and without a light source equipped automatically equips it. Otherwise, it is just sent to your inventory.
  • Light sources can be dropped manually with a bindable input (DEFAULT: TAB). You must have a free hand to drop light sources this way. See Unity KeyCodes for a list of usable key codes to bind.
  • If a light source is dropped into water, it will be doused and not shed light. Thanks to Ralzar for allowing me to use these doused Candle and Holy Candle sprites from Darker Dungeons.
  • Pressing the "Throw Torch" input will make your character throw their held torch in a shallow arc. If no torch is equipped, or if equipped light source is not a torch, a torch from your inventory will be used instead.
  • The distance of the throw scales with Strength
  • Throwing characteristics like strength scaling, gravity and bounciness can be configured in the Mod Settings
  • OPTIONAL: Combustion module. If a thrown torch hits an entity like a monster, a successful to-hit roll will cause that entity to catch fire and begin emitting light. The base accuracy, effect duration and damage can be configured in the Mod Settings.
  • Much thanks to DunnyOfPenwick for allowing me to yoink his Enemy Mage Light code from Monster University to implement this feature.
  • If Bloodfall is detected, the module will use Bloodfall's light and billboard effects instead.
  • Have a visible torch or lantern out front with a burning SFX loop on when you have a Torch or Lantern equipped
  • Only works for Torches and Lanterns (May change in the future)
  • Freely configure the sprite's offset and scale in the Mod Settings.
  • OPTIONAL: Ambidexterity setting mirrors the graphic depending on which hand is free (eg, if carrying a shield or bow in your left, your light will be held in your right hand instead)
  • OPTIONAL: Bob and Inertia modules for more dynamic sprite behavior

  • Made for use specifically with Vwing's DFU port. I can't guarantee it will work with different forks or projects. Refer to the github for instructions on installing mods.
  • My access to Android devices is limited, so I'd appreciate any feedback regarding the mod working on other devices. As with the previous point, I can't guarantee it will work perfectly with every device, but with your help, I will try my best to figure out whether it's in my capability to fix.
  • Many thanks to Vwing for their work on porting DFU to Android as well as being extra mindful of modding support.

  • May not play nice with custom weapon mods like Future Shock Weapons or Crossbow mod. It won't detect those weapons as occupying hands and other similar problems.
  • Includes a messaging system that allows other mods to check the free-hand status of the player if needed:
bool yourBool;

DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Utility.ModSupport.ModManager.Instance.SendModMessage("Handheld Torches", "hasFreeHand", null, (string message, object data) =>
                yourBool = (bool)data;

return yourBool;

  • Darker Dungeons by Ralzar, if only for the feature that lets you grab torches off the walls with STEAL mode, but the whole package just elevates the dungeon diving experience!
  • Improved Interior Lighting by ShortBeard to kick the atmosphere up by a few notches.
  • First-Person-Lighting by DunnyOfPenwick to stop the FP sprites from ruining your night vision!
  • HUD Torch Indicator by AverniteDF, lets you quickly toggle your lightsource or cycle between light source types as well as an auto-extinguish feature when exiting into daylight
  • Bloodfall by SquidKamer, adds some fancier effects when you set an enemy on fire. Also makes the illumination linger on a while even after the enemy has died

Thanks to Ralzar and Magicono43 for making their mods' source available for study and for being extremely helpful with my questions on the DFU Lysandus' Tomb discord server, doubly so for Ralzar who allowed the use of assets from Darker Dungeons and DunnyOfPenwick for offering the use of their Enemy Mage Light Spell from Monster University. And special mention to thenameisthegame for continuously breaking the work-in-progress with shenanigans as well as reminding me that DFU lets you change the time-scale.