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About this mod

A few simple quests that continue the stories of some of TES2's unique NPCs.

Permissions and credits

Requires DFU 1.1.1 at minimum and the Quest Actions Extension mod. Thanks to Jagget for making this possible.


1. Place the dfmod file inside your Mods folder, and activate it in the DFU mod menu.
2. Place the Quests folder so it merges with your current Quests folder. It will replace three files, S0000001.txt, S0000004.txt, and S0000020.txt.

Android users can copy-paste the QuestPacks folder in the mirror so it merges with their QuestPacks folder (I cannot help with this, please find guidance if you need it).

Q: What characters are included?

A: As of 1.2, Morgiah, Lhotun, and Mynisera have an additional short quest line.

Q: Can I install this in the middle of a playthrough?

A: Yes, this can be added and removed at any time with no risk to your save file.

Q: When are the quests offered?

A1: 45 days after completing "Morgiah's Wedding" and receiving her wedding invitation;
A2: 45 days after completing "Missing Prince;"
A3: 90 days after completing "Orcish Emancipation", in addition to being level 6 or higher.

Q: Can I experience them if I already started those quests?

A: The opportunity is past if you already started those quests, but you can use the console to run The Tale Continues quests:

Lhotun: startquest TTClhotun1
Morgiah: startquest TTCmorgiah1
Mynisera: startquest TTCmynisera

Q: Is this lore friendly?

A: No mod is going to be canon, and I tried to make things at least meaningful and consistent. Some of the deepest lore experts will probably find something disagreeable about what I've written, but for me it's enough as a fan fiction. I don't think the general player base will find problems with the stories this mod tells.

Q: Is this gameplay-heavy or story-heavy?

A: This is mostly about story and narrative. If you want the characters in TES2 to have more life and personality, this is a mod to do that.

Q: Couldn't you make this compatible without replacing files?

A: There's really no way to branch the MQ into an additional quest in DFU's current state without replacing files of some kind.

Q: What versions did you use for the S000 quest files?

A: They come from the Main Quest Definitive Edition mod. As I said, there's no way to lead into new unique content without a direct file replacement like this. Alternatively, run any version of the MQ you please and use the console commands to start these quests.

Q: Is this compatible with other changes to the main quest?

A: As long as the normal quest files are called like in the vanilla main quest, these changes will carry over. This means mods like A New Main Quest, Main Quest Enhanced, or Dynamically Progressing Main Quest are incompatible, because they ignore the vanilla quests from the game completely. Others like Main Quest Definitive Edition are compatible. However, TTC must be installed after it.

Q: The invitation letters disappear from my inventory.

A: Because of DFU's behavior of forcing quest items to remain in your inventory, I chose to remove each of the invitation letters three days after you receive them. This has no impact on the quests. It is just a convenience to the player.

Q: How do I know when the quests are finished?

A: Each quest has a unique reward you'll receive at the end. In addition, you'll gain some reputation bonuses with the involved characters, as well as anyone allied to them.

Q: How do I uninstall it?

A: Just remove the dfmod file (or in the case of Android, remove the QuestPacks folder for this mod). There will be no harm done.